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Why Fundraiser Participation Beats Profit Percent

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why Fundraiser Participation Beats Profit Percent

Discover four things that impact your fundraiser more than profit percent.

Gain Parent Participation in Preschool Fundraisers

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Gain Parent Participation in Preschool Fundraisers

Discover two ways to motivate parents to participate in preschool fundraisers.

Why Sportswear Incentives Improve Band Fundraisers

Fundraising Incentives

Why Sportswear Incentives Improve Band Fundraisers

Learn the advantages sportswear offers high school bands over traditional prize programs.

7 Fundraiser Questions a Parent Letter Must Answer

Fundraising Tools & Tips

7 Fundraiser Questions a Parent Letter Must Answer

A well-organized and informative parent letter will help you avoid unnecessary fundraiser questions.

How to Rescue Your High School Fundraiser

High School Fundraisers

How to Rescue Your High School Fundraiser

Learn tips on how to get your high school fundraiser back on track before it's too late.

How to Have Profitable High School Fundraisers

High School Fundraisers

How to Have Profitable High School Fundraisers

Here are three ideas that can result in more profitable high school fundraisers.

How to Have Great Preschool Fundraisers

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Have Great Preschool Fundraisers

Discover creative ideas that empower childcare directors to experience great preschool fundraisers.

Get Teachers Behind Elementary School Fundraisers

Elementary School Fundraisers

Get Teachers Behind Elementary School Fundraisers

Learn how teachers can positively affect your fundraiser once you get them behind it.

Higher Fundraiser Profit Percent or Better Prizes?

Fundraising Incentives

Higher Fundraiser Profit Percent or Better Prizes?

Learn why offering better fundraiser incentives that increase participation beats a higher profit percentage.

Why Parents Prefer our Big Event Prize Programs

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

Why Parents Prefer our Big Event Prize Programs

Learn the difference between big event incentives and regular prize programs and why even parents prefer them.

Enjoy Spring Fundraiser Success with a Splash Party

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

Enjoy Spring Fundraiser Success with a Splash Party

Learn why the super splash party has been proven to improve brochure sales more than traditional incentives.

How Super Party Incentives Improve Fundraiser Sales

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

How Super Party Incentives Improve Fundraiser Sales

Discover how a Big Event Super Party improves school fundraiser sales more than traditional prize programs do.