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Band Fundraiser Ideas

Band Fundraiser Ideas
Band Fundraiser Ideas

Top-rated band fundraisers for schools.

Band Fundraiser Ideas

Equip your students for success and choose a better fundraiser. And raise more money by offering them our free and exclusive incentives.

Customizable products. Make your sale stand out and sell products with your school name, logo, and colors.

  • OU-D Kosher Certified.
  • 36 cookies per box.
  • Packed according to seller.
  • A fun way to get donations.
  • Collect $100 per card.
  • Make up to 90% profit.
  • 12 cookie dough options.
  • Preportioned or tubs.
  • Orders ship to buyers.
  • Make up to 65% profit.
  • Daily discounts for 1 year.
  • 2-sided four-color printing.
  • 16 popular popcorn flavors.
  • Large resealable bags.
  • Gluten & GMO free.
  • Snacks, jewelry, & gifts.
  • 25 product categories.
  • Free seller prize option.
  • Largest food fundraiser.
  • Several top-quality brands.
  • 500+ products online.

What Our Customers Say


Very prompt and professional service all the way around, and continue to use the service in the future.

Andy Silva
President of Fundraising Committee
Sandra Day O'Coonor High School

I don't think Big Fundraising Ideas could have handled this situation better. There were never any rosy promises, but they were able to get us out of the penalty for being under our goal with the cookie company. I guess somebody ate this cost somewhere. I will definitely consider Big Fundraising Ideas again, hopefully under better circumstances next time.

Brad Rashley
Music Director
American Renaissance School

Service was very good. the only reason for not having five stars is because we are still waiting on one case to be delivered.

Lance Quilling
Band Director
Santa Fe Trail High School

Easy to work with, everyone is pleased with the product, and easy to distribute.

Lee Ann Clifford
Secretary to the Band
Atherton High School

High school band flute playersHow Do Band Fundraisers Work?

Band fundraising is a way of life for high school music students. Most band directors admit it's expensive to be competitive, so boosters and directors work constantly to bring in money. Whether you're fundraising for band trips or new uniforms, if you want to compete, it will cost money. As such, high school band fundraisers are essential to keeping the band program thriving.

The most common way for groups to raise money is to sell products. Items like wrapping paper and cookie dough account for more than $1.5 billion in annual profits, so fundraising ideas for band activities often revolve around these popular items.

You can have your students take orders from a brochure or order a product first and have them sell it “in hand.” Either way, no upfront payment is required. This flexibility makes band fundraising ideas easy to implement.

If you prefer to take orders first, we’ll send each band member a brochure, order form, and money envelope. When finished, send us your order forms so we can process, pack, and ship your merchandise. This process ensures that your marching band fundraisers run smoothly.

You’ll receive a complete sales report and invoice, and we’ll contact you to set up your delivery date. When selling directly, payment is due 15 days after receiving your product, giving you time to sell the product. Your profit is the difference between the total amount collected and your invoice.

To get started, complete our online purchase order form and kick off your fundraising for bands today.


High school student playing the trumpetWhy Our Band Fundraising Ideas?

  • Retail-Quality - We offer the finest products at the best possible prices. Ask us about our 100% product guarantee.
  • Huge Selection - Finding the right fundraiser is easy. Choose from over 100 unique products to suit your band fundraiser ideas.
  • Motivational Incentives - Our prize programs motivate students to sell. Offer traditional, cash, or sportswear with your group name and colors. Prizes are free and can boost participation in your marching band fundraising ideas.
  • Complimentary Online Store - If making a brochure sale, your students can also raise money online. Only sell online? See our online band fundraisers for even more band fundraising ideas.
  • Free Shipping - Products ship free of charge, and brochure sales minimums are low, making band booster fundraisers more profitable.
  • Dedicated Customer Service - We’re here to ensure you have a smooth sale. You’ll experience a quick response to your questions, which is crucial for high school band fundraisers.
  • No Cost to Start. - Start your band fundraiser for free and discover the best fundraisers for your needs.

Questions About Band Fundraisers

What are the most profitable band fundraisers?
How can I start a band fundraiser?
What products are available for band fundraisers?
How do online band fundraisers work?
Are there any upfront costs for starting a fundraiser?
How does the payment process work?
What incentives are available for students?
How does shipping work for band fundraisers?
How do I track sales and manage orders?

High school band drummersBand Fundraising Suggestions & Tips

  • Use our ‘Calculate Your Profit’ tool to determine how much you can make and how much you’ll need to order.
  • Set individual sales goals for your students.
  • Have a kickoff meeting with your band members to discuss your goals and explain the process.
  • Tell your students that checks are payable to your organization.
  • Remind everyone to share their name, organization, and why they’re raising money.
  • Communicate safety first. Talking to strangers is not allowed.
  • Use a tracking sheet when handing out products to sell. Have students write down their contact information and the number of items issued.
More Band Fundraiser Ideas

Whether raising money for instruments, uniforms, or travel, we have a program for you. Our band fundraisers offer excellent products for buyers and appealing incentives for students. These two ingredients are the recipe that will help you reach your financial goals.

Learn why music education in schools is important

Our favorite fundraising product for a band fundraiser is popcorn. You can let people pick their flavor on the spot from various options. Selling along the sidelines or in the bleachers during a game will be a breeze, especially when you offer that cheddar jalapeño flavor. Yum!

Consider placing “This Popcorn Supports the Middlebury Marching Band” on the popcorn bags. It never hurts to go for some extra marketing.

Another good fundraising option is the discount card. These can be customized with the band’s group photo on the front and options for food to grab after the game on the back, which is one of the best band fundraisers for visibility and engagement.

Sell individually packaged goodies at events where the band plays, like the homecoming football game or other school events. Folks can see what their money is supporting at a time when they’ll enjoy a tasty snack. These are excellent band fundraising ideas to consider.

First, identify the appropriate incentive for your band members' age range. Traditional prizes, like headphones and scooters, may be better for younger band members, while cash prizes would probably motivate older ones. Apparel prizes would work well for both!

Consider polling your group to determine what type of prize would be most appealing. Traditional prize programs are likely more workable for smaller groups, like band fundraisers. But, a Super Party event for larger band fundraisers may be desirable.

Prizes are free of charge, and the group retains a 40% profit on items sold. Students will benefit by receiving prizes for their hard work. You’ll also be able to raise awareness throughout the sales process about the benefits of a band program.

‘Cash Prize Extravaganza’ offers up to $200 in cash. An online cash prize program is available as well.

Band members will be motivated by the opportunity to help their group reach a big overall goal. It’s a win-win for school bands and their musical members!

By incorporating these band fundraising ideas, you can ensure your fundraiser bands achieve success and help your band program thrive.