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How to Get Your Fundraising Order Ready to Mail

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Get Your Fundraising Order Ready to Mail

Learn how to prepare your order forms for processing after completing your fundraiser.

How to Make Your Next School Fundraiser Even Better

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Make Your Next School Fundraiser Even Better

The best way to improve on your next school fundraiser is right after completing your last one.

How to Kick off Your Discount Card Fundraiser

Fundraising Products

How to Kick off Your Discount Card Fundraiser

Your primary goal with a discount card fundraiser is to sell your cards quickly.

What About a Home Delivery Fundraiser?

Fundraising Tools & Tips

What About a Home Delivery Fundraiser?

Discover the pros and cons of not having to deal with a fundraiser delivery at your school.

How to Make Discount Card Sales Face to Face

Fundraising Products

How to Make Discount Card Sales Face to Face

Learn the discount card sales pitch and how to use it to make money.

How to Ensure an Easy Fundraiser Delivery

Fundraising Products

How to Ensure an Easy Fundraiser Delivery

How to prepare for and experience a smooth school fundraiser delivery.

Make Money Selling Discount Cards in Supermarkets

Fundraising Products

Make Money Selling Discount Cards in Supermarkets

Learn how to sell off your discount cards over a weekend at the supermarket.

What Are Your School Fundraising Delivery Options?

Fundraising Tools & Tips

What Are Your School Fundraising Delivery Options?

Preparing for your school fundraising delivery is an essential part of the process.

3 Steps to a Simple Frozen Food Fundraiser Delivery

Fundraising Products

3 Steps to a Simple Frozen Food Fundraiser Delivery

Learn how to prepare your school for a smooth frozen food fundraiser delivery.

Using Discount Cards as Company Giveaways

Fundraising Products

Using Discount Cards as Company Giveaways

Learn how to sell Discount cards to businesses in bulk so you can sell them off faster.

How to Resell Unsold Discount Cards

Fundraising Products

How to Resell Unsold Discount Cards

Here are some ideas to help you profit from your unsold discount cards.

How to Make Discount Card Sales in Bundles

Fundraising Products

How to Make Discount Card Sales in Bundles

Discover why targeting business owners can turn a good discount card sale into a great one.