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Why Some School Districts Police PTO Fundraisers

Fundraising Products

Why Some School Districts Police PTO Fundraisers

Many school districts now regulate PTO fundraisers to deal with the issue of fairness.

What’s a Good First Fundraiser for New PTAs?

Fundraising Products

What’s a Good First Fundraiser for New PTAs?

Discover what new PTA groups should consider for their first fundraiser.

Is There a Perfect Time for Your School Fundraiser?

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Is There a Perfect Time for Your School Fundraiser?

Learn some circumstances that may help you decide when to have your school fundraiser.

Is There a Best Fundraiser for Our School?

Fundraising Products

Is There a Best Fundraiser for Our School?

Before deciding on a fundraiser for your school, make sure you’ve also thought about these important details.

How Extra Fees Can Impact Your Fundraiser Profit

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How Extra Fees Can Impact Your Fundraiser Profit

Are you aware of the extra fees some fundraising companies don't tell you about?

3 Discount Card Fundraiser Misconceptions to Avoid

Fundraising Products

3 Discount Card Fundraiser Misconceptions to Avoid

Ensure you know potential misconceptions when looking for a discount card company.

How to Raise Parent School Fundraising Involvement

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Raise Parent School Fundraising Involvement

Improve parent-school fundraising involvement and achieve better sales results.

Teaming Up to Improve Discount Card Sales

Fundraising Products

Teaming Up to Improve Discount Card Sales

Promoting competition within a fundraising group can increase discount card sales.

Improve Discount Card Sales by Prospecting

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

Improve Discount Card Sales by Prospecting

How to improve discount card sales by prospecting potential buyers.

How to Prepare for a Quick School Fundraiser Finish

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Prepare for a Quick School Fundraiser Finish

Prevent your fundraiser from dragging, and learn how to wrap it up quickly and efficiently.

10 Questions to Ask a School Fundraising Company

Fundraising Tools & Tips

10 Questions to Ask a School Fundraising Company

Before you sign up with a school fundraising company, make sure to ask these ten questions.

A Good Discount Card Fundraiser is about Location

Fundraising Products

A Good Discount Card Fundraiser is about Location

Where a discount card fundraiser takes place can help determine its success.