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Why Pricier Fundraising Brochures Work Better

By Clay Boggess on May 12, 2015
Why Pricier Fundraising Brochures Work Better

When higher priced items make you more money.

Why would you even want to consider more expensive fundraising brochures? The obvious concern is that you’ll appeal to less buyers. Isn’t there already a general concern about value, as many end up complaining about the lack of quality as it is?

You may have even received complaints from parents like, “What we received was much smaller than expected, and aren’t most items in a brochure overpriced as it is?”

The response often given to the grumblings is, “What do you expect? It’s a fundraiser!” Yes, that’s true; however, this doesn’t change the fact that people still want and expect quality at a fair price regardless.

If your brochure doesn’t deliver on value, why should you expect people to buy? So with that said, here are some reasons some schools may want to take a closer look at pricier fundraising brochures.

People Want Quality Fundraising Merchandise

It’s true; many people are more apt to purchase from a brochure with an excellent selection of quality items, even if it means paying a little more. And the proof is that our most significant selling brochure contains our most expensive items. See our Kitchen & Home brochure.

It’s More About Consumer Demand Than Price

Nobody wants to buy out of a cheap brochure. Some will look for the lowest-priced item just because they want to help, but not necessarily because they want to. You have people looking for less expensive items because you haven’t offered them anything they really want or need.

Schools Make More Money While Selling Less

This makes sense because you have to sell more 50¢ lollipops from your lollipop fundraiser than you do $1.00 bars found in a candy bar fundraiser. The same thing naturally applies to lower versus higher-priced fundraising brochures. A few years back, we decided to offer an all $5.00 brochure, thinking many schools would find it unique and be drawn to it. After a couple of years, we ended up pulling it. Why?

  1. People didn’t like the limited selection of items.
  2. Schools that switched to it made less money because they didn’t sell as many items.

Pricier sales brochures are not for every school; however, our experience has been that people are still willing to pay for value over price, no matter what.

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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