What you need to know about your sales rep.
Good brochure fundraiser reps know that they do as well if you succeed. However, some reps are more interested in putting money in their pocket first. They often make promises up front that sound enticing to get the business, but unfortunately, they don’t deliver.
This makes everyone look bad, especially the sponsor, as they’re left picking up the pieces. Are there repercussions? Sure, but only for a while. Unfortunately, administrators, as well as boards, come and go. A new and unsuspecting PTA is simply another opportunity. In the meantime, there are plenty of other opportunities.
These reps have their presentation down cold and know precisely what to say and when. Up front, they can even help calm your nerves about past mishaps. But afterward, you wish you hadn’t signed on. Sound familiar? Before committing to working with a company, you must distinguish between a good rep and a bad one. Here are two things to beware of when dealing with brochure fundraiser reps.
1. Beware of the Fundraiser Guarantees
Everyone wants to be reassured. Probably the best way to do that is to guarantee that things will happen exactly as they say they will. Some reps will even go so far as to guarantee you’ll reach your fundraising goal if you work with them. Shouldn’t this sound absurd?
The cold hard truth is that anyone can make guarantees upfront. However, a guarantee is only as good as the person making it. Instead, you should be more concerned with ensuring they have a realistic plan to help you increase your sales.
2. Beware of Fundraising Rep Promises
Promises can be empty. Every experienced rep should know your ‘hot buttons’, but the bad ones will try to exploit them. For example, no one likes to count money at the end of a sale; however, some reps will tell you they’ll send someone to count it for you. This is a bad idea for many reasons. After all, do you want the fox guarding the hen house? The bottom line is, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
So, how can schools tell if they’re dealing with good brochure fundraiser reps? The answer may surprise you. Ultimately, you have to trust your intuition. Genuine sales reps won’t wow you with hyperbole, just the facts. When asked, they’ll present both the pros and cons.
It’s most important to know what you want and expect upfront; deciding on a fundraising company will be much easier once you’ve asked the right questions.
Ultimately, you’re much better off working with someone who doesn’t sound too good to be true. They are honest, have integrity, and will go the extra mile to ensure everything goes as planned, no matter what.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.