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No-Cost Fundraising Prizes that Improve Sales

Fundraising Incentives

No-Cost Fundraising Prizes that Improve Sales

Learn how to improve your fundraising results using incentives that don't cost any money.

How to Improve School Fundraiser Participation

Fundraising Incentives

How to Improve School Fundraiser Participation

Learn ways to get your students more excited about your fundraiser and increase participation.

5 Steps to Achieving Your Fundraiser Goals

Fundraising Tools & Tips

5 Steps to Achieving Your Fundraiser Goals

Learn five essential steps that will help you achieve your school fundraising goals.

3 Traditional Fundraiser Prize Program Concerns

Fundraising Incentives

3 Traditional Fundraiser Prize Program Concerns

Discover three reasons many schools don't like fundraising company prize programs.

How to Avoid High School Fundraising Disappointment

High School Fundraisers

How to Avoid High School Fundraising Disappointment

Learn how to prevent having to deal with disappointing high school fundraising results.

3 Reasons our Big Event Magic Show Incentive Works

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

3 Reasons our Big Event Magic Show Incentive Works

See how our magic show incentive has increased sales compared to traditional programs.

When to Raise the Super Party Sales Goal

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

When to Raise the Super Party Sales Goal

Learn about two circumstances where you may want to consider increasing your super party goal.

How to Have a Successful Spring Fundraiser

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Events

How to Have a Successful Spring Fundraiser

Learn what it takes for your school to have a successful spring fundraiser.

Increase Student Zeal for High School Fundraisers

High School Fundraisers, Fundraising Tools & Tips

Increase Student Zeal for High School Fundraisers

Here are a few things that can help you increase student zeal for high school fundraisers.

The School Fundraising Signup Bonus Enticement

Fundraising Incentives

The School Fundraising Signup Bonus Enticement

Learn about the school fundraising signup bonus and why you should avoid it.

3 Actions to Successful High School Fundraising

High School Fundraisers

3 Actions to Successful High School Fundraising

Learn three simple actions to help your group reach or exceed its financial goals.

Why Schools Avoid Additional Selling Incentives

Fundraising Incentives

Why Schools Avoid Additional Selling Incentives

Learn why schools don't use additional fundraising incentives and why you should.