How schools make their spring sale as profitable as their fall.
Schools need to put a limit on the number of sales they have. Fewer fundraisers are better for everyone involved. Focusing on one large sale is easier on the school staff, parents, and the community.
Schools should concentrate on putting as much effort into their fall fundraiser as possible because this is where they will probably generate most of their money. After all, this is the time of year when many people make most of their purchases. But many schools don't reach their sales goals with their fall sale. Here are some things to think about if you are thinking about a spring fundraiser:
Consider a Different Type of Fundraiser.
If you already had a brochure sale in the fall, you may want to consider a raffle or a carnival for the spring. Some schools alternate by doing a candy bar fundraiser in the fall and a popcorn fundraiser in the spring. On the other hand, many groups sell food products like cookie dough or frozen food in the fall and then offer a spring shopper with lots of variety after the first of the year. The goal is to keep your ideas fresh for the students, parents, and community.
Your Spring Fundraiser can be Successful.
Many schools consider their fall sale the big money maker for the year. For the most part, they are correct. They see their spring sale as a way to finish meeting their financial goals for the year. On the other hand, we have many testimonials from schools that have a successful spring fundraiser. Many schools report an increase in sales compared to their fall campaign. Schools that motivate their students to sell using our super and super splash parties usually have above-normal spring sales.
Make Sure to Let Everyone Know.
Many schools make the mistake of 'springing' a second fundraiser on the parents only after their fall sale didn't meet their money goals. At best, this comes across as 'crisis management'. People don't like last-minute surprises, which may even affect your credibility for next fall. Announce at the beginning of the school year if you plan to do a fall and a spring fundraiser. This may force people to choose which one they will participate in; however, at least they will know what to expect.
It's even better if you can communicate your financial goal and purpose for each sale. Are you raising money for one big goal, like playground equipment or a new running track? Most people already know these types of items require multiple sales campaigns. On the other hand, schools might have two completely different purposes for each sale. Regardless, it's essential to communicate your intentions beforehand with your parents.
Implementing these strategies may help prevent a drop in spring sales.
See our spring fundraising brochures.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.