How to motivate your students to sell.
High school students are often considered self-absorbed, lazy, and consumed. And it seems the motivated and driven students are already busy, so how will you convince them to add one more thing to their plate? Finding the time to raise money for your group sounds daunting, but it’s not impossible.
Part of your role as the sponsor is to help your students see their sales campaign as natural and expected rather than just one more activity.
In other words, they need to see it as a priority. Here are a few ways to increase student zeal for high school fundraisers:
Strong Sponsors Have Successful Fundraisers
Behind strong groups are influential sponsors who know how to lead and motivate. Students will commit to a sponsor with clearly defined goals who knows how to bring out the best in their group members and get results. Students shouldn’t be forced to sell but should be inspired to do so.
Make High School Fundraising Assumed and Expected
Plan your fundraiser itinerary before your group even comes together. For example, if you are a baseball coach, plan your sale during the off-season so it's ready to go once your students show up. Let them know from the beginning that selling is a priority and that they will be expected to participate. Organized sponsors will provide a schedule of events on the very first day. However, if students believe that selling is optional, some may choose not to fundraise.
Explain Why Student Selling is Important
Do your students know why they need to sell? Explain your group goals and objectives with your students from day one. Why is it essential for them to participate? Don’t just assume that they already know and understand that. This is something that should be instilled and reinforced regularly. In addition, students should know what their fundraising sales goal is.
Reward a Good Fundraising Outcome
Be sure and have fun with your students during your sale. For instance, you can exempt students who sell at least five items after the first day from having to run at the end of practice. There are many additional incentives that you can incorporate that will motivate students to sell. You have to spend time and get creative. In most cases, your efforts should pay off.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.