How to improve your sale
Why use an additional fundraising incentive? Prize programs are effective; however, adding a supplemental motivator can increase sales even more.
Additional incentives have been proven to boost sales by as much as 20% or more!
Achieving fundraising success requires creativity as well as time. Having money to invest in your sale may help, but it's not mandatory. There are ways to grow sales without spending any money. Regardless, get the most out of your investment by consistently promoting it. Here are some popular no-cost prize ideas:
- VIP Extended Recess
- Front-of-the-line pass
- Dress code pass
- Movie at school
- Principal for the day
- Pajama Day
- Crazy Sock Day
- Crazy Hat Day
Here are some ideas to consider based on the age of your group:
Brochure Fundraisers
Preschool Fundraising Ideas
- Top selling parent receives _____________. (i.e., Free tuition for a month)
- Top selling class wins a _____________. (i.e., pizza party)
- Grand Prize Drawing (Sell five items to get your name in 1 time. Sell ten items to get your name in twice or _____________.)
Elementary School Fundraising Ideas
- The top 3 selling classes win a _____________. (i.e., pizza, donut, or ice cream party. The top-selling class gets to choose first, and so on.)
- If we reach our goal, the principal will ____________. Here are some suggestions:
- Agree to be slimed
- Be duct taped to the wall
- Be water ballooned
- Become a human sundae
- Participate in a dodgeball game
- Spend a day on the roof (weather permitting)
- Come to school in their pajamas
- Dye their hair
- Kiss a toad or pig
- Dress up as a ____________ (perhaps as the school mascot)
- Or _________?
Middle School Fundraising Ideas
- Top selling team or class gets to ______________. (i.e., slim the teacher, have a pizza party, etc.)
- Fun games to help get more middle school students engaged and improve sales:
High School Fundraising Ideas
- If everyone reaches their goal, then the group gets to _____________.
- Whoever sells a certain number of items by _____ doesn't have to _____________.
- Anyone who doesn't sell ____ items by _____ will have to _____________.
- Money Incentive Game
Special Prizes:
- The top overall seller wins a 5 lb Hershey bar (Promote during your sale).
- Every student who sells 25 or more items wins a Super Student VIP Card.
- The top seller in each grade gets to have lunch with the principal.
- Top 20 sellers get _____________ (additional recess time, or _____________.).
- Limo/Pizza Party
- Money Wheel and Money Machine
- Prize Drawing Incentive Game
- Super Student VIP Card Incentive
- Video Game Truck Incentive
Event Prizes:
- Lunch with the Principal
- Marshmallow Dodgeball
- BMX Shows
- Pig Races
- Trampoline Parks
- Glow Party
- Kona Ice
- Limo Ride
- Movie at School
- Professional Sports Stadium Tours
- Uber Eats at School
Online Fundraisers
Registration Incentives
86% of participants who register online end up selling. Here are some ideas to help you get more students to register:
- If we can get______ participants to register by ____________ (i.e., two days after your kickoff start date), we will provide ______________.
- Everyone who is registered by ____________ (i.e., the day after the kickoff meeting) will go in a drawing to win ______________.
- Balloon Pop: Put a student's name inside a balloon at the start of the fundraiser. Forty-eight hours into the fundraiser, pop the balloon. If the student whose name is inside has registered and shared ten times, they get the prize (principal at school, Amazon gift card, etc.).
- Class hero: The whole class gets pizza if you register and your name is drawn.
- Don't Be Sick: Put a student's name in an envelope at the fundraiser's start. Forty-eight hours into the fundraiser, open the envelope. If the student whose name is inside has registered and shared ten times, they get the prize (principal for a day, Amazon gift card, etc.). Don't be sick if your name is called.
Additional Online Fundraising Incentives
Once registered, your sellers can track their sales. Here are some incentive ideas that you can promote during your online sale:
- Everyone who sells _____ items by _____ will get to _____________.
- The first person to reach $____ in sales will get to _____________.
- Anyone who doesn't reach $____ in sales by _____ will have to _____________.
NOTE: Additional incentives are the group's responsibility.
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