Invest in your fundraiser without spending money.
To make money, you have first to invest it. Then, it's essential to get the most out of your investment. For example, you'll want to keep reminding your sellers about your big prize so that more students will make sales. But what if you could improve fundraiser sales without having to spend any money at all?
One way to do this is to incorporate additional incentives that will only cost you a little time and energy. Once you've selected your incentive, promote it throughout your sale.
No-cost additional incentives can increase your sales. Here's how you can improve fundraiser sales without having to invest in things like top-seller prizes or limos:
Introduce your Fundraiser Effectively
The old saying that you only get one chance at a good first impression applies to your kickoff assembly. Successful fundraisers always start with a strong introduction. Therefore, ask someone that your students respect, like the principal, to introduce your sale. Ask the principal also to close out the assembly.
Promote your Sale Consistently
Check-in with your students and ask:
- "Who has already sold at least a couple of items?"
- "How many of you have already picked out a specific prize as your goal?"
- "How many of you are already halfway to your sales goal?"
- "How many of you have met or surpassed your sales goal?"
- "How many of you plan to be the top seller?"
Show your promo videos:
- Day After Kickoff Reminder
- Mid Sale Motivation
- Wrap-up Reminder
- If using a big event fundraising prize program, show your promo video as often as possible.
- Show your promo video to your parents at a parent night or…?
Use the internet:
- Let your friends and family know about your fundraiser on Facebook
- Promote your sale to your followers on Twitter
- Place your company website link on your school or PTA website to let people know what you are selling
Use The Prize Drawing Game:
- Sell five items and turn in your coupon, and have a chance to get your name drawn out to be:
- 'Line Leader' for the Day
- 'Classroom Leader' for the Day
- 'Office Monitor' for the Day
- 'Door Monitor' for the Day
- 'Free Dress Day' Pass
- 'Extra Recess Time' Pass
- 'No Homework for a Day' Pass
- Help with Daily Announcements
- 'Sit Where You Want' Pass
- Free Library Pass
- Ask local stores and restaurants to donate coupons (i.e., free pizza coupons)
Reward your Top Sellers
Create a competition between students who can sell more.
- Sell 10 to get into a DJ Dance Party
- Convince the principal to be the DJ!
- Pizza Party for the top 20 sellers or top-selling class
- Get your local pizza store to donate coupons. They receive free publicity
- Top Seller, Top 3 Sellers, or Top Seller/Grade Prizes
- Get your local store or WalMart® to donate these prizes. Many retailers have budget allotments for school assistance and donations
Get the Principal Involved
The principal can be a significant influencer in impacting student sales. If the school reaches its sales goal, the principal will:
- Spend a day at the office on the roof
- Come to school in their pajamas
- Kiss a pig, frog, or??
- Dye their hair a specific color.
See more fundraiser incentive ideas.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.