How to reward sellers during your sale
Incorporating additional incentives into your sale is a great way to remind and motivate students to bring in more sales. Sponsors can use fundraiser prize drawing coupons using the Prize Drawing Incentive Game.
In exchange for turning in coupons, students can win prizes and special privileges. Students need to sell five items for every coupon they turn in, and the more they sell, the greater chance they have to win.
We can also place a coupon sheet for larger school-wide groups in each student's fundraising packet.
How it Works
Each prize coupon must be filled out with the student's first and last name and their teacher's name. There is also a space at the bottom of each coupon for a parent to sign and date it before it's turned in to the school. The teacher's name helps identify a student if two students with the same first and last name get their name drawn out. Each coupon sheet has 12 coupons.
Additional Tips
- Remind students that if they sell ten or more items, they can turn in 2 coupons, and so forth.
- For large school-wide groups, we'll place prize drawing coupon sheets inside each student's fundraising packet.
- We recommend not accepting coupons without a parent's signature on them. The signature affirms that their child sold the required number of items to be entered in the drawing.
- Keep a few extra copies of the coupon sheet to give to students who want to turn in more than 12 coupons.
- The coupons can also be used for a grand prize drawing at the end of the sale.
- The Prize Drawing game is a great way to track the progress of your sale based on the number of coupons being turned in.
- Your incentives don't have to cost you anything. Special privileges are exciting for many students, and they're free.
Get Your Free Prize Coupon Sheet
Receive your complimentary prize coupon sheet by completing our 'Download Your Free Coupon Sheet' form.