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2 Traits that Effective Prize Programs Always Have

Fundraising Incentives

2 Traits that Effective Prize Programs Always Have

Effective prize programs always lead to more students showing their fundraising packets to their parents.

How to Take Control of Your Fundraiser Outcome

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Take Control of Your Fundraiser Outcome

Even if you can't control your sales, you can still impact your fundraiser outcome.

How to Kick off Your Discount Card Fundraiser

Fundraising Products

How to Kick off Your Discount Card Fundraiser

Your primary goal with a discount card fundraiser is to sell your cards quickly.

How to Make Discount Card Sales in Bundles

Fundraising Products

How to Make Discount Card Sales in Bundles

Discover why targeting business owners can turn a good discount card sale into a great one.

Great Discount Card Fundraising Tips

Fundraising Products

Great Discount Card Fundraising Tips

Learn our seven easy-to-implement discount card fundraiser selling tips.

How to Achieve Your School Fundraising Goal

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Achieve Your School Fundraising Goal

Use these simple steps to reach and exceed your school fundraising goals.

How to Improve on Your Previous Fundraiser

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Improve on Your Previous Fundraiser

To improve fundraising results, groups must be willing to do the work and learn from their previous sale.

Why Limo Rides and Pizza Parties Help Fundraisers

Fundraising Incentives

Why Limo Rides and Pizza Parties Help Fundraisers

Learn how to get a good return on your limo or pizza party investment.

3 Ways Super Party Incentives Help Brochure Sales

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

3 Ways Super Party Incentives Help Brochure Sales

See why selecting the right incentive plan can differentiate between a good and a great fundraiser.

Passing the Baton to New Booster Club Officers

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Passing the Baton to New Booster Club Officers

Discover ways to help new booster club officers make a smooth transition.

How Youth Benefit from Church Group Fundraising

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How Youth Benefit from Church Group Fundraising

Church group fundraisers help youth pay for various activities while teaching them valuable life skills.

3 Steps to Successful College Fundraising

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Steps to Successful College Fundraising

Successful college fundraising requires regularly meeting with your group and tracking sales progress.