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Fundraising Tools & Tips


Fundraising Tools & Tips

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Do Smart Smencils Really Make You Smarter?

Discover how the peppermint scent in Smart Smencils has been shown to enhance mental agility.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Recruit Reliable Fundraising Volunteers

Learn how to assemble a strong team of fundraising volunteers.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Has Your Fundraising Company Earned Your Loyalty?

Staying with the same fundraising company yearly is okay if you keep doing homework.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Ensure Safe Fundraisers

Learn how safe fundraisers can help sellers be more productive.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Properly Manage Fundraiser Late Orders

Learn how to be prepared to deal with late fundraiser orders.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Passing the Baton to New Booster Club Officers

Discover ways to help new booster club officers make a smooth transition.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why Fundraiser Participation Beats Profit Percent

Discover four things that impact your fundraiser more than profit percent.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Gain Parent Participation in Preschool Fundraisers

Discover two ways to motivate parents to participate in preschool fundraisers.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How Youth Benefit from Church Group Fundraising

Church group fundraisers help youth pay for various activities while teaching them valuable life skills.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Steps to Successful College Fundraising

Successful college fundraising requires regularly meeting with your group and tracking sales progress.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

7 Fundraiser Questions a Parent Letter Must Answer

A well-organized and informative parent letter will help you avoid unnecessary fundraiser questions.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

2 Cases of How Honesty Affects Fundraising Support

How you handle unplanned circumstances with your present sale can affect future fundraising support.