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New School Year Nerves

By Clay Boggess on Sep 13, 2017
New School Year Nerves

Help your kids start the new school year strong.

Think back to those first few days of school as a young student. Were you full of jitters? Were you worried about whether your outfit was trendy? Were you afraid your friends wouldn’t be in your class?

No matter how much changes, these “new school year nerves” remain a common schoolyard experience. As parents, it’s natural to worry about whether your child is adjusting to a new grade and group. Follow these strategies and tips to help give your kids the confidence they need to start the new school year strong.

Send Lunchbox Love Notes

Lunchtime can be incredibly intimidating for younger or new students since it tends to be one of the first purely social experiences in the student’s day. Kids often worry about where to sit, what to say, and how to act.

Send a note with your child to school in their lunchbox (or binder if they get lunch at school). A simple “You’re a Rockstar!” or even a funny kid-friendly joke written on their napkin will do. These subtle reminders are a longstanding tradition that gives students peace of mind in the middle of the day. Careful, Mom! Don’t be too mushy.

Prep the Night Before

Spend time in the evenings checking for homework, permission slips, and other items your child is responsible for turning in. Ensure their backpack is ready in the morning before they turn in for bed. This will help your child rest more straightforwardly and give them the added assurance that they’re fully prepared to conquer the next day. Eventually, your child can take responsibility for doing these checks independently, but it’s helpful to have support and encouragement in the first couple of weeks back.

In addition to these “folder checks” for homework, you can use the evening before to make for a stress-free morning with some easy strategies.

Ask Questions

Students often express a sense of being overwhelmed in the first few weeks. No matter how prepared you are, your child invariably comes home with many forms and additional supply needs.

With this flood of information coupled with all the new social and schedule adjustments, students’ memories might give way to anxiety, making it easier to forget important details. You can help by asking your child questions like:

  • Did your teacher send home any forms today?
  • What didn’t you have that you feel like you need during the day?
  • What’s due tomorrow? What’s due by the end of the week?
  • Did you get any information about PTA/PTO? What about a contact form?
  • Has your teacher mentioned the school fundraising program yet?

Being specific can help jog your child’s memory. While parents can quickly check backpacks and folders, asking your students helps them develop responsibility and independence, guiding them toward long-term success.

A great start to the school year can yield much social and academic success. Empower your child to succeed, and encourage them to grow.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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