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3 Life Skills Developed Through School Fundraising

By Clay Boggess on May 26, 2015
3 Life Skills Developed Through School Fundraising

Other ways fundraisers help students.

Many don't consider the life skills students can learn through selling when choosing a fundraiser. Rightly so, most people, including sponsors, primarily focus on the external benefit of raising money.

But there can also be several life-shaping benefits to school fundraising as well. And these types of unintentional lessons help build and reinforce who we ultimately become.

It's true. No one goes to the trouble of conducting fundraisers just so their students can learn life skills. However, many can probably think of reasons why students shouldn't have to participate in fundraising programs.

But before you decide, consider the following three life skills they can help develop.

1. Developing Important Sales Skills

To be successful at selling, students must learn to properly approach people and then be able to sell them the benefits of their product. This develops qualities like courage, self-confidence, and the ability to articulate a simple sales pitch.

Positively approaching people, properly introducing themselves, and giving an effective presentation is all part of what successful sellers possess.

2. Completing a School Fundraising Goal

Students learn what it takes to work towards and reach an end sales goal. Students determine that their efforts affect and impact the rest of the group. Each student has their own personal goal, and the organization's financial outcome depends on every student's success.

3. Committing & Submitting to a Process

Once out working in the real world, students must understand the value of following directions and completing various tasks. Just like when their sponsor gives them specific instructions before they start selling.

The meaningful life lessons that can be learned through school fundraising go far beyond raising money.

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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