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  • School Fundraising Ideas

    The latest in school fundraising trends.

    Looking for help on a topic or just excellent school fundraising ideas? Our readers include administrators, teachers, PTA moms, and more

    Discover solutions that work. Search our blog for helpful tips and advice to make your next school fundraiser successful.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Raise Parent School Fundraising Involvement

Improve parent-school fundraising involvement and achieve better sales results.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Make School Fundraising Safety a Priority

Learn how enforcing proper school fundraising safety can even lead to more sales.

Fundraising Incentives

3 Reasons Principal Fundraiser Involvement Works

Principal fundraiser involvement has helped many schools reach or exceed their sales goals.

Fundraising Products

Teaming Up to Improve Discount Card Sales

Promoting competition within a fundraising group can increase discount card sales.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Get Fundraising Money Turned In On Time

Establishing clear expectations for money collection will make wrapping up your sale much more accessible.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

Improve Discount Card Sales by Prospecting

How to improve discount card sales by prospecting potential buyers.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Ways to Experience Effective Spring Fundraisers

Learn three ways that can help schools have effective spring fundraisers.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Prepare for a Quick School Fundraiser Finish

Prevent your fundraiser from dragging, and learn how to wrap it up quickly and efficiently.

How to Promote Your Discount Card Fundraiser

The following suggestions can help you promote your discount card fundraiser.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

10 Questions to Ask a School Fundraising Company

Before you sign up with a school fundraising company, make sure to ask these ten questions.

Fundraising Products

A Good Discount Card Fundraiser is about Location

Where a discount card fundraiser takes place can help determine its success.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Get Your Fundraising Order Ready to Mail

Learn how to prepare your order forms for processing after completing your fundraiser.