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General Questions

General Questions

Answers to common questions

General Questions

The more you know, the easier fundraising becomes. Make informed decisions about what’s right for your group.

Know what to expect. Learn everything from the best way to make sales to how to submit your order for processing.

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Who is Big Fundraising Ideas?

Do you work with any group?

What is brochure fundraising?

What does my fundraiser need to be successful?

How much time should I give my students to sell?

What about door-to-door selling?

What percent of sales will my group receive?

Do we have to pay for any fundraising supplies?

Do I collect money with the order or upon delivery?

What happens after we collect orders and money?

When and how should I remit payment?

Do you require any money up front?

Who can we contact if we have questions?

Do you require a minimum order?

Do you have an online store?

Do we have to sign a contract?

Do we have to pay for shipping?

What should we know about your company?

Do we have to collect sales tax?

How do your fundraisers work?

How can we provide feedback?