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Fundraising Tools & Tips


Fundraising Tools & Tips

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Should Schools Accept Fundraiser Donations Instead?

Many sponsors wonder whether they should accept school fundraising donations instead of students selling.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How Extra Fees Can Impact Your Fundraiser Profit

Are you aware of the extra fees some fundraising companies don't tell you about?

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Take Control of Your Fundraiser Outcome

Even if you can't control your sales, you can still impact your fundraiser outcome.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Raise Parent School Fundraising Involvement

Improve parent-school fundraising involvement and achieve better sales results.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Make School Fundraising Safety a Priority

Learn how enforcing proper school fundraising safety can even lead to more sales.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Get Fundraising Money Turned In On Time

Establishing clear expectations for money collection will make wrapping up your sale much more accessible.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

Improve Discount Card Sales by Prospecting

How to improve discount card sales by prospecting potential buyers.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Ways to Experience Effective Spring Fundraisers

Learn three ways that can help schools have effective spring fundraisers.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Prepare for a Quick School Fundraiser Finish

Prevent your fundraiser from dragging, and learn how to wrap it up quickly and efficiently.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

10 Questions to Ask a School Fundraising Company

Before you sign up with a school fundraising company, make sure to ask these ten questions.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Get Your Fundraising Order Ready to Mail

Learn how to prepare your order forms for processing after completing your fundraiser.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Make Your Next School Fundraiser Even Better

The best way to improve on your next school fundraiser is right after completing your last one.