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How Fundraiser Supply Kits Prepare You for Success

By Clay Boggess on Sep 15, 2015
How Fundraiser Supply Kits Prepare You for Success

Learn about our all-in-one sales success kit.

Planning a sales campaign can be a difficult and tedious task. It’s hard enough to recruit the needed volunteers, decide on what to sell, and schedule your kickoff date. When it comes to actually setting up and running your campaign, some schools are left to figure things out on their own. Experienced sponsors could get by if needed, but new sponsors would probably need some direction.

For this reason, many school catalog companies provide their groups with a systemized way to prepare for and run their sale. That’s where fundraiser supply kits can benefit new and experienced sponsors alike.

Here are a few things a kit should contain and why they’re important.

A School Fundraising Flowchart

It helps to have a ‘lay of the land’ and to know what’s coming next. It’s like having a reference point with a ‘you are here’ indicator at the mall. The flowchart is an outline that gives you a timeline of your most important events. For example, before your kickoff date, you’ll need to be on the lookout for your fundraiser supply kit and your student information packets.

How to Prepare for Your Kickoff

Your fundraiser kickoff is probably the most important promotional opportunity you’ll have to sell your students why they should participate. So making sure you get it right is very important. Setting the right tone with music as students walk into arranging to have the principal introduce your sale is vital to establish credibility. What kind of sound equipment will you need, and do you plan on showing a video?

A School Fundraising Guidebook

While the flowchart is a general outline highlighting your most important events, the school fundraising guidebook provides a more detailed explanation at each campaign stage. Having a resource that explains everything you need to know about your fundraiser should be a must. Sure, you can call the company whenever you have a question or issue, but having something in writing whenever needed can make all the difference in the world.

Additional Fundraiser Supplies

Your kit should include additional supplies like prize program flyers that you can post in key areas around your school and extra order forms for students filling out their first one. To make your fundraiser delivery easier, you’ll want to be able to have your orders already separated by the seller as well as by the teacher. That’s why classroom envelopes should also be provided. This will allow you to separate student orders into their respective classes.

And just as important, how will you get your order forms to the company for processing? The kit should also include a postage-paid mailing box, so all you need to worry about is mailing it.

Finally, the first thing you should find when opening your fundraiser supply kit is a checklist of what you can expect to find inside.

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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