Happy back-to-school shopping to our winner.
Most year-round schools have already been back in session for over a month. And by the time we get to the middle of August, many private schools have also returned to the classroom. In Texas, for example, public school students started on August 24th.
Although most Americans still consider the first Tuesday after Labor Day to be the end of summer and the beginning of the fall semester, that’s not the norm in many other countries. Believe it or not, the weather usually determines when many students return to school.
Back to School in Other Countries
While late August and early September are commonplace for North American and European schools to commence, schools in the Southern Hemisphere typically start in late January or early February.
For example, the first school day in Argentina falls on the last Monday in February or the first Monday in March. And elementary schools typically open a week before high schools. This is also for other countries in South America. The first day of school in Chile is March 1st, or the first Monday following if March 1st falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
Schools start back as late as the end of May or early June for countries in South and Southeast Asia because the weather is too hot from March through May.
Was the Timing Right for our Giveaway?
We could have had it sooner, but we wanted to wait for our giveaway until most people were finally in the ‘return to school’ mindset.
At least we hope the timing suits most Americans as our $100 Target gift card giveaway ends on Saturday, September 5th, just two days before Labor Day. We apologize to those who wished the giveaway was earlier. Regardless, happy back-to-school shopping to the winner!
To participate, go to our giveaway page.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.