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Fundraising Tools & Tips


Fundraising Tools & Tips

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why Crowdfunding won’t work for Primary Schools

Discover why schools are better off using a more conventional fundraising method.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Easy to Make Fundraising Kickoff Mishaps to Avoid

Successful fundraiser kickoffs are just as much about preventing mishaps.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Another Back to School Target Shopping Giveaway

Starting back to school the day after Labor Day is not as typical as people might think.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Ask for Business Donations for School Events

School events and businesses can benefit greatly by following simple, easy-to-follow guidelines.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How Successful School PTOs form Business Alliances

Successful school PTOs understand the value of forming strategic alliances with businesses.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Are Fundraising Companies Really a Necessary Evil?

Schools keep $1.4 billion of the $3.3 billion raised annually. Is the fundraising industry evil?

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why Fundraiser Profit Percentage is Misleading

Discover why the higher the fundraiser profit percentage, the lower the quality of the prize program.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

An Idea to Boost Parent Fundraising Involvement

Your fundraiser will never reach its full potential unless you can also reach your parents.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

The Most Effective Way to Promote Your Fundraiser

How to show your students why your fundraiser is worth becoming involved in.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Should Your Fundraiser Goal be Challenging or Easy?

How to set realistic selling expectations based on the money you need to raise.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Our $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Celebration

Stay tuned for a chance to win our next $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Find Good Fundraisers at PTA Conventions

How to make your search for a fundraiser more productive at your summer PTA convention.