How to build momentum before your sale.
Most people have never given much thought to generating fundraiser sales momentum before they even start selling. However, what if there's a way that you can increase suspense in your students so that they'll be chomping at the bit to get their school fundraising brochure once the kickoff is complete?
Understandably, most schools wait until the kickoff to start promoting their sale to their students. They don't think much about it; they do it that way because it's logical, and everyone else does it that way too.
Furthermore, the unintended element of surprise can definitely work in their favor. The students walk into the gym or cafeteria only to discover fun and exciting prizes for them to win. Nothing works better to get their attention than the spontaneous excitement generated at a kickoff. After all, isn't the kickoff enough to motivate your students to get out and sell? So why spoil it with a pre-fundraiser promotional campaign?
Why Sponsors Don't Build Up Their Fundraiser Before the Kickoff
Here are some of the reasons sponsors don't promote their sales beforehand:
- They've never done it before and think what they've been doing works fine.
- They don't want to do any more than they have to.
- They're too busy.
- They don't want to interrupt classroom time with potential distractions potentially.
Why You Should Consider Building Fundraising Momentum Beforehand
Therefore, why should you promote your fundraiser before your kickoff? The main reason is to build up excitement and anticipation in your students' minds. And with expectation comes eagerness and passion. So, when your kickoff finally arrives, your students will be even more excited to start selling. The increased enthusiasm that is generated will translate into more sales.
A classic example of this is when you go to the movies. When you're sitting in your seat, what do you see before your movie starts? Previews for other movies. Movie promoters know they'll sell more future movie tickets if they promote upcoming attractions to a captive audience. This is great advertising because people have learned to expect the previews as a part of the movie experience. This gets everyone talking.
Think about the movie trailers that people look at on their phones. Not only do they look, but they share their thoughts with their friends and family. The movie producers want people to do this because it creates discussion and anticipation beforehand. This all leads to an increase in ticket sales.
The same concept applies to your students. When you promote your fundraiser ahead of time, you make your audience eager for the event. Here are some ideas that will help you build momentum before your fundraiser kickoff:
- Advertise your fundraiser on your marquee.
- Put your information in your newsletter. Make sure to make it brief yet exciting and informative.
- Use your website to get the word out.
- Use social media to spread the word.
- Share information about exciting prizes that students can win during morning announcements.
What suggestions do you have that will help build momentum for school fundraisers?
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.