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  • School Fundraising Ideas

    The latest in school fundraising trends.

    Looking for help on a topic or just excellent school fundraising ideas? Our readers include administrators, teachers, PTA moms, and more

    Discover solutions that work. Search our blog for helpful tips and advice to make your next school fundraiser successful.

High School Fundraisers, Fundraising Incentives

Is Your High School Fundraising Purpose Enough?

Find out how passionate your students are about your purpose and if passion alone drives sales.

Fundraising Incentives

Increase Fundraising Sales One Student at a Time

Learn to think about improving fundraising sales by individual students instead of the group as a whole.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

5 Ways to Communicate Fundraising Information

Discover five effective ways to get the word out about your school fundraiser that works.

Fundraising Incentives, Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Leverage Prize Programs for Fundraisers

Learn to improve sales by getting the most out of your school's fundraising prize program.

Fundraising Products, Fundraising Incentives

When Brochure Fundraisers Makes You More Money

Learn the difference between a big event fundraiser and selling out of a brochure.

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

3 Ways to Advance to Big Event Fundraising Programs

Learn three ways to graduate from a traditional incentive to a big event fundraising prize program.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

5 Reasons School Fundraisers are Good for Students

Learn five ways school fundraisers impact students besides benefiting from the money they raise.

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

How to Improve Your Big Event Fundraising Program

Discover ways to enhance your big event experience and set your fundraiser up for even bigger future success.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

How About a Lower Priced Fundraising Brochure?

Learn how lower-priced fundraising brochures can bring in more money under certain circumstances.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Share Fundraiser Information with Parents

Learn how to communicate your school fundraising information effectively with your parents.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

An Easy Fundraising Delivery Doesn’t Just Happen

Learn how to plan strategically to reap the rewards of a smooth fundraising delivery.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Build Fundraising Momentum Before Your Sale

Discover ideas that will help you build fundraising momentum before you start your sale.