How to raise more money without buying those expensive prizes.
Doesn't it take money to make money? It stands to reason that if you offer bigger and better prizes, students will work harder for them.
However, spending extra money on prizes is more accessible for some elementary schools to afford than others. What do you do if you don't have any extra money in your budget to spend on additional incentives?
You can still succeed in incentivizing your students to sell more than they usually would without these motivators. You need to be creative. Here are three ways to increase your school sales without spending extra money.
1. Involve the Principal
Make it a priority to sell your cause to the principal and convince them to become involved by:
- Asking them if they would do the introductory speech at your kickoff. The students respect the principal and will likely take your fundraiser more seriously. Ensure they know the purpose and why it's essential for everyone to get involved. Make sure the principal ends the assembly with some closing remarks as well.
- Involve the principal in your daily announcements. For instance, if you are incorporating prize drawing coupons, one of your incentives can be for the winners to have lunch with the principal. Have the principal describe to the students what this will entail.
- Doing something crazy, outrageous, or fun if the school reaches a higher money goal. A goal can also be set for individual students who would get to do something fun with or with the principal. Some ideas include:
- Kissing a pig, frog, goat, or __________.
- Coloring their hair some outrageous color.
- Spending a day on the roof
- Dressing up in a funny costume or wearing their pajamas to school.
2. Promote Your Fundraiser
Every successful sponsor understands the need to market their campaign to their students throughout their sale. They will even start talking about the sale before it starts. This is where you can talk about what will be sold, introduce a few prizes, and what the money will be used for. Some schools can introduce their sale to their parents at their 'back to school night'.
During your sale, use prize drawings where students can win special privileges like 'Line Leader for the Day', 'Free Dress Day', or a 'No Homework Pass' once they sell a certain number of items.
3. Offer Free Sales Motivators
Whoever said incentives had to cost money?
- Incorporate a rewards party into your sale. You can have a DJ dance party for everyone who sells ten or more items. Ask the principal to be the DJ.
- Convince businesses to donate items like pizza for a party, prizes for top sellers, or grand prize drawings. Businesses will often do this because it's good PR. It is not a bad idea to tell prospective businesses you will talk about them to your parents and students.
You don't have to spend money to increase school sales further. You can still exceed your goals with some extra work and creativity.
What other no-cost ideas do you have that will increase sales?
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.