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Fundraising Products


Fundraising Products

Fundraising Products

Is There a Best Fundraiser for Our School?

Before deciding on a fundraiser for your school, make sure you’ve also thought about these important details.

Fundraising Products

3 Discount Card Fundraiser Misconceptions to Avoid

Ensure you know potential misconceptions when looking for a discount card company.

Fundraising Products

Teaming Up to Improve Discount Card Sales

Promoting competition within a fundraising group can increase discount card sales.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

Improve Discount Card Sales by Prospecting

How to improve discount card sales by prospecting potential buyers.

Fundraising Products

A Good Discount Card Fundraiser is about Location

Where a discount card fundraiser takes place can help determine its success.

Fundraising Products

How to Kick off Your Discount Card Fundraiser

Your primary goal with a discount card fundraiser is to sell your cards quickly.

Fundraising Products

How to Make Discount Card Sales Face to Face

Learn the discount card sales pitch and how to use it to make money.

Fundraising Products

How to Ensure an Easy Fundraiser Delivery

How to prepare for and experience a smooth school fundraiser delivery.

Fundraising Products

Make Money Selling Discount Cards in Supermarkets

Learn how to sell off your discount cards over a weekend at the supermarket.

Fundraising Products

3 Steps to a Simple Frozen Food Fundraiser Delivery

Learn how to prepare your school for a smooth frozen food fundraiser delivery.

Fundraising Products

Using Discount Cards as Company Giveaways

Learn how to sell Discount cards to businesses in bulk so you can sell them off faster.

Fundraising Products

How to Resell Unsold Discount Cards

Here are some ideas to help you profit from your unsold discount cards.