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  • School Fundraising Ideas

    The latest in school fundraising trends.

    Looking for help on a topic or just excellent school fundraising ideas? Our readers include administrators, teachers, PTA moms, and more

    Discover solutions that work. Search our blog for helpful tips and advice to make your next school fundraiser successful.

Fundraising Products

Why Schools Used Fundraising Vouchers

More schools are selling fundraising vouchers that customers can redeem online.

Why Student Prize Programs Fall Short

Discover why parents, students, and educators alike are growing tired of cheap fundraising company prizes.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 No-Cost Ways to Increase School Sales

Here are three ways to increase your school sales without spending extra money on expensive prizes.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

Boost Fundraising Sales with Better Quality Items

Learn how school fundraising sales increase when better quality merchandise is offered.

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

Are School Fundraisers Affected by Health Policies?

Discover what effects more stringent health food requirements have had on school fundraisers.

Fundraising Incentives, Fundraising Events

Why Settle on Your Fundraising Incentive Program?

Learn the effects of cheap prizes fundraising companies offer on student motivation and overall sales.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Collect Fundraising Money Promptly

Learn how to prepare for quick and easy money collection once your school fundraiser ends.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Should We Consider a Discount Card Fundraiser?

Discover if a discount card fundraiser suits your group by weighing the pros and cons.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

7 Things to Know When Picking a Fundraiser Brochure

Here are seven things you should know before you pick your fundraiser brochure.

Elementary School Fundraisers

3 Keys to Elementary School Fundraising Success

Learn three things you can do that will help ensure that your elementary school fundraiser is a success.

5 Reasons to Choose a School Fundraising Company

Here are five reasons you should consider working with a school fundraising company.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Fundraising Brochures Alone Don't Make Money

Learn why the fundraising brochure is only one part of what makes a sale successful.