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  • School Fundraising Ideas

    The latest in school fundraising trends.

    Looking for help on a topic or just excellent school fundraising ideas? Our readers include administrators, teachers, PTA moms, and more

    Discover solutions that work. Search our blog for helpful tips and advice to make your next school fundraiser successful.

Fundraising Products

How to Resell Unsold Discount Cards

Here are some ideas to help you profit from your unsold discount cards.

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

Maximize Your Big Event Fundraising Program

Learn how to get the most out of your big event so more students will want to sell next time.

Fundraising Products

How to Make Discount Card Sales in Bundles

Discover why targeting business owners can turn a good discount card sale into a great one.

Fundraising Incentives

How to Improve Fundraiser Sales Without Using Money

Learn how to improve sales without having to spend money on expensive prizes.

Fundraising Products

How to Select the Best Fundraiser Brochure Possible

Discover two things you should consider when picking a fundraising brochure for your group.

Fundraising Products

Great Discount Card Fundraising Tips

Learn our seven easy-to-implement discount card fundraiser selling tips.

Fundraising Products

How to Handle Sales Tax for Brochure Fundraisers

Every state varies when it comes to sales tax laws with brochure fundraisers.

Fundraising Incentives

When Your School District Won’t Allow Cash Prizes

Learn effective alternatives to the no-cash policy that some school districts enforce.

Fundraising Products

Profit by Selling Discount Cards to Business Owners

Learn how to sell discount cards in bulk to business owners and sell off your inventory faster.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Achieve Your School Fundraising Goal

Use these simple steps to reach and exceed your school fundraising goals.

Fundraising Events, Fundraising Incentives

Great Big Event Magic Show Scheduling Ideas

Discover how to coordinate your curriculum-based magic show assembly with a celebrated national event.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Improve on Your Previous Fundraiser

To improve fundraising results, groups must be willing to do the work and learn from their previous sale.