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  • School Fundraising Ideas

    The latest in school fundraising trends.

    Looking for help on a topic or just excellent school fundraising ideas? Our readers include administrators, teachers, PTA moms, and more

    Discover solutions that work. Search our blog for helpful tips and advice to make your next school fundraiser successful.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Should Your School Fundraiser take Personal Checks?

A return check policy can help you better manage school fundraiser payments.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Key Questions School Fundraiser Sponsors Overlook

Learn three critical questions school fundraiser sponsors forget to ask before they commit to a company.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Make Your School PTA more Volunteer-Friendly

Learn how to attract and keep exemplary volunteers on your school PTA board.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Prevent School Fundraising Fatigue

Avoiding school fundraising fatigue can be simple as long as you’re willing to commit to a particular strategy.

Fundraising Products

Should Fundraiser Groups Offer Multiple Brochures?

Here are some reasons why fundraiser groups should think twice before using multiple brochures.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How Fundraiser Supply Kits Prepare You for Success

Learn what school fundraiser supply kits should contain and why they’re important.

Online Fundraising Ideas

Online Fundraisers | Answers to Common Questions

Learn the answers to common online store fundraiser questions before they're asked.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How to Design a Participant Letter for Your Fundraiser

Every school fundraiser should include a participant letter that contains your most crucial information.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why Crowdfunding won’t work for Primary Schools

Discover why schools are better off using a more conventional fundraising method.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Easy to Make Fundraising Kickoff Mishaps to Avoid

Successful fundraiser kickoffs are just as much about preventing mishaps.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Another Back to School Target Shopping Giveaway

Starting back to school the day after Labor Day is not as typical as people might think.

Fundraising Incentives

3 Exciting School Fundraising Ideas that Improve Sales

Improve fundraiser sales by incorporating a more comprehensive prize program.