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Are Gift Wrap Fundraisers Still Relevant?

Fundraising Products

Are Gift Wrap Fundraisers Still Relevant?

Why do more schools sell wrapping paper even with Sally Foster no longer in the picture?

4 Easy Cheerleading Fundraiser Tips that Get Results

Fundraising Tools & Tips, Fundraising Products

4 Easy Cheerleading Fundraiser Tips that Get Results

Help your cheerleader squad reach their fundraiser goals by incorporating these easy-to-implement selling strategies.

Are You Sure Your School Fundraiser Isn't Taxable?

Fundraising Tools & Tips

School Fundraiser Tax: How it May Affect You

Learn the facts behind sales tax and whether your school must pay it before your next fundraiser.

Top Discount Card Fundraiser Tips for 2022

Fundraising Products

A Discount Card Fundraising Idea: Tracking Makes Perfect

Discover the benefits of using our tracking sheet to help your discount card fundraiser go more smoothly.

How Your Online Fundraising Store Can Double Your Sales

Online Fundraising Ideas, Fundraising Products

How Online Fundraisers Can Boost Your Brochure Sales

Learn how to significantly improve school fundraising sales by leveraging your company's online store.

School Fundraiser Questions Sponsors Should be Asking

Fundraising Tools & Tips

School Fundraiser Questions Sponsors Should be Asking

Know what two fundraising questions schools typically ask and the ones they should be asking.

3 Things Fundraising Companies Must Know about Your School

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Things Fundraising Companies Must Know about Your School

Learn three questions that companies should ask that can improve your school’s sales while ensuring a smooth fundraiser.

Guide to a Successful Discount Card Sale in 2022

Fundraising Products

Guide to a Successful Discount Card Sale in 2022

Experience school fundraising success by implementing our complete guide to selling discount cards.

Improve School Fundraiser Results with Better Products

Fundraising Products

Improve School Fundraiser Results with Better Products

Learn why outstanding value in one fundraising catalog motivates customers to purchase more items.

Discount Card Fundraising: What Schools Need to Know

Fundraising Products

Discount Card Fundraising: What Schools Need to Know

Educate yourself on whether a discount card fundraiser is the right choice for your school group.

Good Fundraising Catalogs Alone Don’t Make Schools Money

Fundraising Products

Good Fundraising Catalogs Alone Don’t Make Schools Money

Get the most out of your catalog sale and learn how to get great results regardless of your product.

Spotlight: School Catalog Fundraiser vs. Candy Bar Sale

Fundraising Products

Spotlight: School Catalog Fundraiser vs. Candy Bar Sale

Learn the advantages and disadvantages of catalog fundraisers compared to candy bar sales.