Your guide to a successful high school sale.
Students involved in high school fundraisers have a built-in advantage over younger groups. They're more capable of understanding and incorporating more advanced selling techniques.
Students who successfully utilize these methods usually bring in significantly more sales. So instead of simply telling your students to go out and sell, you can provide practical sales tools to help them flourish.
You should consider incorporating the following tools. Then discuss and implement them at your kickoff meeting with your students.
Sales Prospect Lists
Have your students create prospecting lists to approach people they've targeted as promising buyers. This allows them to brainstorm on potential customers. They can also use the list to track their progress while giving themselves a sense of accomplishment.
Fundraiser Expenses Worksheet
Instead of simply telling your students how many items they need to sell, have them calculate it themselves. For example, if you know that each student needs to raise $300, have them complete their own expenses worksheet. This way, they'll understand what it will take to be successful.
NOW Selling Method
When approaching people and asking them to buy, it's not very effective when students say, "Want to buy something?" Your sellers should be seen as professional and polite since they're out in the community representing your organization. People will respect students who first introduce themselves and briefly explain why they're selling before asking for support. They can accomplish this in a straightforward sentence. To make it easy, have your students incorporate The NOW selling method. You can even have the students pair up and practice this before the end of the kickoff.
By giving your students practical fundraising tools, you're helping them take ownership and find sales success for themselves.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.