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Fundraising Tools & Tips


Fundraising Tools & Tips

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why School Fundraisers Fail - Because They Don't Set Goals

SMART goals can help your campaign succeed. Learn five ways to transform your next sale.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why School Fundraising Sales Tracking is Essential

Why your success depends on setting practical goals & tracking student sales progress.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Starting a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser in 5 Simple Steps

How K-12 schools and small colleges can implement a successful peer-to-peer fundraising strategy.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why School Fundraising Profit Percent is Overrated

A guide to raising more money for your school even when receiving a lower percentage of the sales.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Can School Fundraisers Really Be Risk-Free?

The most significant risk schools take is not taking the time to learn the right questions to vet companies.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 Ways School Fundraisers Make More with Fewer Sales

Discover how your organization can raise more money with fewer fundraising projects.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

3 School Fundraising Misconceptions You're Not Aware Of

Learn why it's just as important to know what not to do regarding your fundraising campaign.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

7 Things Good School Fundraisers Recommend You Do

Common mistakes first-time school fundraising sponsors make and how you can avoid them.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

5 Ways School Fundraisers Can Get More Bang

Sponsors who experience successful school fundraisers incorporate these five proven strategies.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

How School Fundraiser Start Dates Affect Profitability

Should you rely on the numbers or trust your gut? Decide when you should start your fundraiser this fall.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Why Successful School Fundraisers Invest in Their Sale

Schools need money now more than ever. Reap the rewards of adequately investing in your sale.

Fundraising Tools & Tips

Should School Fundraisers Accept Checks?

A guide to how to handle fundraising checks for school sales. Should your group accept them?