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What Makes a Successful High School Fundraiser?

By Clay Boggess on Sep 2, 2010
What Makes a Successful High School Fundraiser

Practical high school sales success tips.

Let's say you decide to take a poll of several fundraising companies that help organizations raise money. You ask them what they feel the most successful high school groups are. What do you think their responses will be? Most would probably answer with performing arts, sports teams, and spirit squads.

Strong groups excel because they have pronounced and well-defined financial needs. Their sponsors are typically highly motivated and extremely organized. The students are part of a motivational solid support structure that's highly involved and requires a shared commitment. As a result, students are more dedicated to the group's needs and goals.

Strong Student Accountability

In addition, many students need to work hard on a group-related project to make a good impression on the sponsor. Many high school sponsors make fundraising mandatory. It also helps that their students usually meet regularly. This allows sponsors to monitor sales progress.

What about sponsors of other types of high school groups?

Effective High School Fundraising Strategies

The following strategies have been proven to bring in more dollars, regardless of the group:

  • Have a formal kickoff meeting. Don't just hand out your information as your students walk out the door. Take the time to sell the program to them. What will they be selling, and what can they win? By meeting with your students to launch your sale, you are instilling the importance of the fundraiser in their minds.
  • Have a purpose and goal. Ensure your students understand why they're selling and can communicate that to potential customers. Make sure your students know what the sales expectations are. Do you want them to sell ten items or 25? What will they get if they exceed the goal? Will the top seller win anything?
  • When will the sale end? More time to sell doesn't necessarily mean more sales. If you give your students a stop date, they'll treat the sale more like a race. Otherwise, your campaign will seem to drag, and students will procrastinate. Most high school sales are made within the first 3-4 days. A two-week sale is usually optimal.
  • Promote your sale. Don't assume your students will remain focused on selling once the kickoff ends. You'll need to remind them and hold them accountable. This is also an excellent time to revisit essential things you'll want them to remember about the sale.
  • Meet regularly. To promote your fundraiser effectively, you'll need to meet with them consistently. Some sponsors find this easier to do than others, but most find it worthwhile to make special meeting arrangements.
  • Offer additional incentives. Most companies offer prize programs. Many feel this is enough of a motivator; however, more effective sponsors understand that they must do more by offering additional incentives to their students.
  • Sponsor enthusiasm is contagious. If you are excited and motivated about your fundraiser, chances are your students will also be. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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