How to ensure 100% money collection
Many groups elect to sell a product and collect the money on the spot. This is referred to as a direct sale and is often easier on the sellers because they don't have to go back to the customer again to deliver the items as they do with a brochure sale.
Using fundraiser sales tracking sheets is useful when the product is ordered up front and sold by the group. A brochure sale collects orders and money before ordering the merchandise. Therefore, tracking sheets aren't necessary when taking orders from a brochure.
On the other hand, for direct sale fundraisers, the tracking sheet offers two primary benefits:
- It keeps track of products that's been distributed to students to sell.
- It tracks any outstanding money.
Many sponsors choose direct or point-of-sale fundraising because they find it more accessible for their students to make sales with a product in their hand. In other words, potential customers see the product before committing to a purchase.
Tracking Sheets Provide Documentation
Having no way to track the product placed in the student's hands to sell can make a direct sale difficult. Since you don't have a paper trail like you would with a submitted order form from a brochure sale, how will you know who turned in money and who hasn't?
The tracking sheet will help you document and track who has a product and how much money needs to be turned in by each seller.
How Tracking Sheets Work
Before distributing any product, have your students enter their name, contact information, and how much product is being handed out on your tracking sheet. Don't hand out additional products until the money's been turned in for any previously distributed product. Every time you issue a product to a student, it should be documented.
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