How to get your middle school students to sell.
Middle school students are unique from every other age group. Thus, they shouldn't be treated like their elementary school siblings when raising money. Nor should you attempt the same things that you would with a high school group.
Therefore, to succeed, you'll need to find middle school fundraising ideas that will get your student's attention. But first, answer this question. What things are essential to this age group?
One thing that's high on the list is the need to feel significant around their peers. In other words, they want to fit in and feel a part of what others deem necessary. For instance, many students value contributing to extracurricular activities, like sporting events or groups.
So, what's one way to motivate middle school students? Ask them to compete in a fun activity, both with and against their peers. Thus, why not tap into this idea with your next sales project? Here are three middle school fundraising strategies that will do just that.
1. Effective Middle School Fundraising Incorporates Team Selling
Instead of having your students sell for individual awards, why not turn your fundraiser into a fun competition? Since students like to work in teams, consider dividing your organization into groups of 5. You can give them ownership by asking them to choose a team leader and a group name.
Ensure that you also incorporate periodic check-in days throughout your sale so each team can monitor the progress of their teammates. Consider asking them to bring their order forms to class so they show them to each other. Then, ask each team leader to add up and report the total sales for each group. This is your opportunity to plot and post the progress of each team for all to see.
Here's how to take middle school fundraiser ideas to another level.

2. Incentivize Using Rewards Middle School Students Want
To make your teams want to compete against each other, you have to offer a worthwhile reward at the end. This is your opportunity to show your commitment to your students and their fundraisers by becoming a part of the grand prize. For example, each member of the team who brings in the most sales will get to:
- Throw a pie in your face
- Soak you with water balloons
Whatever you decide, make sure you understand what will motivate your students to want to 'get revenge' on you in a fun way.
See additional fundraising incentive ideas.
3. Reach Your Middle School Fundraising Goal Using Prospect Lists
Give students the power to succeed from the start by having each team member create a list of people that they plan to approach and ask to make a purchase. Also, consider turning it into a fun contest by giving the team with the most prospects automatic bonus points toward their total sales.
Be sure also to check the team that claims to have the most prospects for validity.
Learn more about prospect lists.
You may have to think outside the box to succeed at middle school fundraising. Remember, your students are like no other age group out there.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.