Tips on how to get your big event paid for.
Schools using our big event fundraising prize programs understand why they increase fundraising sales. Traditional prize programs require students to sell many items before they can win better prizes.
On the other hand, big event incentive plans are different because they offer the most exciting reward at the most accessible prize level.
Once students realize they can win something worthwhile and exciting with minimal selling effort, they become more optimistic and enthusiastic about participating. It's no secret that big event prize programs get more students to sell, leading to improved sales. See the big event fundraising difference.
Yet, bringing a significant event to a school isn't cheap. As a result, sponsors understand that a prorated cost share is involved if a certain sale minimum isn't reached. However, we've found that most schools end up reaching their goal. And once you understand why, it can also be relatively easy for your school.
You Need to Leverage Your Primary Asset
We've said it before. The biggest fundraising asset that you have is your student enrollment. The key is to get more of them to sell. An average size elementary school may have 500 students. Even if you can get half of them to sell just eight items, you can bring in as much as $50,000 or more, which exceeds the amount required to earn a free big event.
To see if your school qualifies without sharing the cost of bringing in an event, multiply your enrollment by $15, the average price in the brochure. Then, multiply that number by the minimum number of items required to gain admission. For parties, it's eight, and for shows, it's 5. Keep in mind that some students will sell more than others. But as long as you reach $50,000 in total sales, you'll receive your event at no cost.
Big Events Are About the Average Seller
Unfortunately, most prize programs are only geared towards the top sellers but offer very little to most of your students. On the other hand, big event prize programs focus on everyone. Reaching your sales goal is not about your top sellers; it's about increasing the number of average sellers. If there are higher prize levels, your big producers will produce regardless. This may also motivate some to sell more than they ordinarily would; however, the sales that hurt you are the ones you don't get. Big event incentives address this by getting more students to sell by offering an exciting incentive in exchange for reaching an easily obtainable seller goal.
Promoting a New Fundraising Motivator
In reality, your prize program isn't going to make or break your sales; it's the ability to maintain your students' enthusiasm throughout your fundraiser. Many students have grown tired of the same incentive program they had last year, so it's easier to keep their attention if you offer something new and different. You can stimulate optimism by continuing to talk about how easy it is to attend an event while consistently showing your promotional video throughout your campaign. If you do this effectively, you should be on your way to a successful sale.
See our big event fundraising incentives.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.