Key strategies that overcome stagnant high school sales.
Every high school sponsor, whether they're asked to head up the freshmen class, or they are the head football coach, knows that they'll probably need to raise money. It is paramount to have the necessary funds so the group can function and carry out its objectives. It's constantly in the back of everyone club sponsor's mind.
When coming up with high school fundraising ideas, no one goes in expecting to fail. Most are at least reasonably optimistic they'll reach or come close to their financial goals. Yet the odds are against them, and the statistics bear that out. Most high school sales end up producing average results, at best. In other words, they don't reach their full potential. But if raising money is that important, why do so many groups fall short?
Another way to answer that question is to ask, "What are some key differences between average and amazing high school sales results? The answer to that question depends on several factors.
There are other factors to consider, such as the group size and type, how organized, the type of sale, and the group's purpose and mission. When to have a fundraiser can also prove to be important. For instance, smaller, close-knit groups, like cheerleader squads, tend to average a higher dollar amount sold per seller.
These groups can be extremely motivated and usually have large financial obligations, such as raising money for competitions and uniforms. Group members know that these things are essential to their involvement in the group. Many cheer sponsors choose to have their sales campaign right after tryouts in the spring, when the students tend to be most proud and excited about joining the team.
Perhaps some organizations don't have the same intrinsic advantages as cheer groups. Maybe the group as a whole lacks focus and direction. Some groups are new to fundraising and lack experience. Or possibly the reason is financial. You might be in a poorer economic area. Don't expect to do that well. Are these legitimate reasons or simply hurdles that need to be overcome?
Regardless of what obstacles you have to overcome, here are three high school fundraising ideas that get amazing results.
1. Plan for Fundraiser Success
There's no way around it. If you want to succeed at anything, you have to prepare. Bobby Knight, a former college coach, once said, "The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare."
wikiHow breaks setting up a school fundraiser into three parts:
- Designate a Fundraising Committee: Create a committee of 3 to 5 students in charge of the planning. Their job is to report ideas and updates to the sponsor.
- Choose a Product: Should you sell food or no-food items?
- Getting Ready to Start: Ensure you have a presale checklist and check everything off.
With the right preparation, every group can succeed. Everyone has unique challenges; however, there are specific things that successful groups do that help them overcome these obstacles.
2. High School Fundraising Ideas for Sponsors
Every good school fundraiser starts with a strong sponsor. Sponsors that expect their group members to sell will always experience greater financial success. We've worked with many high school groups over the years and have found this to be a key factor.
Some sponsors will even tell their group that participating is not an option if their parents can't write a check. It's that simple. These sponsors also understand that having high expectations of their students is important. Students will usually achieve what others expect of them. They see their sales campaigns as an important tool that helps the group achieve its objectives and as a character-building tool. And groups that are successful at raising money already have a strong sense of purpose.
Learn five ways school fundraisers prepare students for adulthood
3. Clearly Defined High School Fundraiser Goal
High school sponsors that succeed already have a predetermined fundraising goal set for their students. The sponsor knows the group's financial needs and how much each student will need to sell. Thus, students know what's expected of them from the beginning.
Classy, an online fundraising software company, outlines a five-part method for creating smart objectives that are also used by many industries. They define what they call SMART goals with the following terms:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Ambitious but Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-based
Successful high school groups understand that selling is necessary and embrace this as part of their culture. In other words, fundraisers are not an afterthought but a part of what they do. Everyone knows this, and they expect them. They understand that for the group to function, fundraising is necessary, not optional.
Groups good at raising money have a strong sense of purpose about who they are and what they plan to accomplish. Sponsors of these organizations have had this type of environment from day one. It's no different once the sale starts.
See catalog fundraisers for high schools.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.