Simple steps to school fundraising success.
Every organization would like to run a successful sales campaign, but many don't realize the fundamental steps involved that will help ensure they achieve their objectives.
For example, it's essential that groups set a specific sales goal upfront so they can establish a baseline for their success. Then they'll need a plan that helps them reach it, like goal tracking and accountability.
Here are five steps that you'll want to incorporate into your sale that will help you achieve your fundraiser goals:
1. Establish Your Reason for Selling
Everyone must work towards a specific purpose or goal. Don't just raise money and determine how you'll spend it afterward. Some schools will see how much they can raise and decide where to use the earnings. This is never a good idea because you will appear indecisive and noncommittal.
2. Calculate Your Fundraiser Goals
Will your goal be accomplished with one fundraiser, or do you need multiple sales? Knowing how much money you need to raise and then communicating your goal will add credibility to your cause.
3. How much will Students need to Sell?
Do your students and parents know what's expected of them? You must determine their individual fundraiser goal. This way, they'll know how much they need to sell to help your group reach its objective.
4. Have a Sales Kickoff Meeting
For your fundraiser to succeed, your students must be unified and feel they are working together. Your kickoff is where you establish the foundation for your sale by communicating your goals and expectations.
5. Keep Your Students Motivated
We recommend meeting with your group as often as possible to ensure they work towards their goal. It's even better if you can provide additional incentives during your meetings. Groups that can keep their students engaged during the sale always end up experiencing better results.
Success takes planning and hard work. Putting a little effort into your sale will most likely pay more significant dividends. It might even help prevent having to do another fundraiser later on.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.