Help high school students compete in a crowded market.
The product fundraising industry generates $3.3 billion each year. And of that, schools profit $1.4 billion. Most of the profits come from items like candy bars, gift items, and cookie dough.
It's a crowded and competitive market that's dominated, for the most part, by elementary schools. With many of these students out selling, smaller high school groups may find it challenging, especially if they're trying to sell the same thing.
It's even more difficult with the number of high school fundraisers already on campus. This doesn't factor in middle schools or other groups competing for sales.
The reason so many groups are selling popular products is they're effective. But there's a saturation point. When do these types of sales have a diminishing return? Just because the group down the street experienced great results doesn't mean yours will. Selling the same product may be much more difficult unless you're in the first group.
So how can your high school group compete and reach your goals? Chances are, there's a limit on the number of fundraisers your administration will let you have. That means you'd better choose wisely and make your opportunity count.
Should you play it safe and sell a proven commodity like the cookie dough fundraiser? You already know what you may be up against. "I already bought that from so and so." At the same time, people know what they're getting. This makes it easier to sell.
Or what about trying something different? This approach can be risky, especially if you don't do your homework beforehand. Jumping on the first unique fundraiser, you find may not be the best approach.
You should also learn about your market and find the right price point. Finding a unique product that people end up wanting is your ultimate goal. Being a pioneer can be dicey, though. Yet it can also pay off in spades.
Here are some things you may want to consider if you decide to move forward.
Previous Fundraising History
Have any other groups tried it or something similar? You're already familiar with your area, or you'll need to research. For example, it may have been a while since someone sold a high school tumbler. Customizable high school fundraising products also promote school pride and spirit. Name a few eager customers, including teachers, coaches, and the office staff.
Then again, this type of product is not consumable. Yet a tumbler fundraiser might work well if you're a new school or considering a mascot redesign.
Overcoming Buyer Preference
Is it easier to make a sale if you're a younger or older student? Think about it. Some will say people prefer buying from that sweet little kindergartner. With their youthful and innocent enthusiasm, who can resist?
One exception is if they already know the older student. Part of the problem, though, is the introduction. Most sponsors don't train their high school students to approach people properly. Body language, what you say, and how you say it is essential. We coach our sponsors on an easy method they can pass on to their students. It's called the NOW Selling Method.
- N = Name. Tell people who you are. Introduce yourself.
- O = Organization. Let people know who you represent.
- W = Why. What you're raising money for?
This seems simple, and it is. That's the beauty of it. It's easy for high school students to incorporate. This can go a long way, regardless of your product. And, of course, it can help if they're offering something different from what everyone else has.
Regardless, what can help is starting your sale before the school down the street.
Conquering the High School Student Mindset
High school students already know. Competing with younger eager students selling the same product can be discouraging. But, if they're selling something that stands out, they are more apt to believe they can get the sale.
If you can, avoid the sizeable seasonal shopper. Most elementary schools are already selling it.
Helpful Tips for High School Fundraisers
Before your students leave your kickoff meeting, ensure they know their product. When you pass out the brochure, highlight a few and review the features and benefits. Ask them to think about who may be interested in specific items.
Consider a brochure with fewer offerings. This makes highlighting products they want to feature easier when showing them to others. These brochures are usually themed with one type of item. Consider candles, cheese, sausage, or even discount cards.
High school students are not like their younger siblings. You have to devise creative ways to help them stand out. One way to do that is to give them something unique to sell.
Check out 3 Powerful High School Fundraising Ideas for 2020.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.