Simple recommendations that will help schools raise more money.
By formalizing a well throughout the strategy and game plan, your sale will run smoother while helping you avoid any unnecessary frustration and extra work. Make sure that everyone knows what you expect them to do.
For example, your students should know how many items they must sell to reach your sales goal. Your ultimate objective should be to conduct only one or two highly effective sales campaigns annually. This way, you'll make your life much easier while minimizing the burden on your parents and the community. What follows are our school fundraiser tips and suggestions for your students and you, the sponsor.
Fundraising Suggestions for Students & Parents:
Safety First
- Selling door-to-door is only recommended when accompanied by an adult.
- Sell to people you know, like family, friends, and neighbors.
- Ask parents to take the brochure to work.
Be Prepared
- Set a reasonable daily selling goal.
- Carry the brochure, order form, money collection envelope, and a pen when you're out selling.
- Checks should be made out to your organization.
Be Professional
- Introduce yourself, your group, and what the money will be used for. Hand over the brochure and ask them if they want to help by ordering one or more items.
- Be positive, and remember to smile. Present yourself in a good light.
- If you like specific items in the brochure, point them out to potential customers.
- Dress neatly.
- Remember to say, "Thank you for helping us raise money for ______________."
- If someone says no, be polite and thank them for their time.
Recommended Sponsor Tips:
Plan Ahead
- Make sure your financial goal is clear and realistic.
- Ask a lot of questions before you pick a fundraising company.
- Plan your sales dates so you have enough time to deliver your merchandise before a holiday or school break.
- Allow extra time after your end date before submitting your order for processing. This helps ensure that you've collected any late order forms.
- Be sure you have a 2nd copy of each order form before submitting them to the company.
- Recruit delivery volunteers to help distribute boxes to students.
Set a Kickoff Date
- Pick a kickoff date that doesn't have you competing with other nearby school groups.
- Set a beginning and end date for your fundraiser and stick with it. We suggest a two-week selling period.
Promote your Sale
- Plan to introduce your campaign to your students by having a kickoff meeting.
- Put important dates like your kickoff and delivery dates on a calendar everyone can see.
- Review the prize program in detail before introducing it to your students at your kickoff.
Prepare you Students
- Make sure your students understand how to fill out the order form properly.
- Set a sales goal for each student.
- Make sure order forms are legible and complete.
Motivate your Sellers
- Track your student's progress to keep them motivated.
- Incorporate additional incentives to help boost sales.
For an additional resource on planning ideas for your next campaign, download our free fundraising tips eBook from our school fundraising tips page.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.