How to get rid of unsold discount cards fast.
If you want to maximize your profit from your discount card sale, your goal is to sell all your cards and not have any leftovers.
You purchased 500 cards at $5 apiece and planned to sell each for $10. Since you’ll receive a bill for $2,500, your breakeven point is 250 cards. Anything sold above that number is pure profit for the group.
However, since your goal is to sell all 500, if, at the end of your sale, you end up with a few students bringing back unsold discount cards, here are some ideas that can help you sell them off:
Offer Bonus Discount Card Seller Incentives
Offer special incentives to students who help sell the cards:
- Ask your more responsible students to help by offering them the following:
- $1.00 out of the profit for each card sold.
- A free card for every five cards sold.
- Have a grand prize drawing:
- Discount cards can be numbered. The person who buys the card with the drawn number wins the grand prize.
- This can be promoted at the beginning of the fundraiser to help sell cards as well.
- Provide the cards to another organization at the school by offering them a portion of the profit for every card sold.
Sell the Cards at a Discount
Sell the cards at a reduced price to attract buyers:
- Buy two cards at their regular price and receive a 3rd card for free.
- Buy 1 card for $10.00 or 2 cards for $18.00.
- Advertise that you are having a ‘Discount Card Clearance Sale’.
- Sell the cards wholesale. This option should be a last resort because you will not make any profit on these cards.
See our discount card fundraiser.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.