What successful sponsors do to get high school students to fundraise.
We all have our biased opinions about the typical high school student. Self-absorbed, selfish, lazy, and if that’s not enough, they’re right, and everyone else is wrong. But we can all relate if we only return to our high school days. No one wants to admit it, but we were probably the same way.
So the million-dollar question is, “How can you, as teacher and sponsor, possibly develop proven high school fundraising ideas that will work for your students?” Somehow you need to get them to make raising money a priority. Seems like a pretty daunting task.
What makes it even more challenging is that you’re busy as well. Somehow, you must find the time to prioritize fundraising, just like your students. So what can you do to convince them to add one more thing to their plate?
Setting aside the time to plan for and raise money for your group sounds like a daunting challenge, but it’s not impossible.
Your role as group sponsor is to help your students see their sales campaign as essential and expected rather than just one more activity they must juggle. Rather than seeing fundraising as optional, they need to prioritize it.
Chances are, being a member of your organization is an extracurricular activity. But this doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be a priority. Your students have chosen to be a part of your group for a reason. They may have their motivations, yet there are other benefits as well that many don’t often think about.
Participating in your group is as vital as anything they do at school. If you see it that way, it will be much easier to get them to as well.
Here are four proven high school fundraising ideas that can transform your sale into a big success:
1. Successful Sponsors Know How to Lead
Behind every successful group is a goal-oriented sponsor who can lead and motivate others. Students tend to respond to sponsors who are well thought out and have clearly defined objectives.
The ability to bring out the best in their group members and get results is critical. Even though these sponsors tend to be strong-willed and opinionated, they can relate to and understand their students. This becomes evident as people want to follow leaders who ultimately have their best interests in mind. Here are the top 5 qualities that effective teachers have.
Consequently, students shouldn’t feel as though they’re being forced to participate in fundraiser activities; however, they should be inspired to want to do so.
2. Turn High School Fundraising into an Expectation
Your students shouldn’t feel forced to participate in your fundraiser. For example, if you’re a football coach, you don’t have to make raising money a requirement to be on the team. This strategy never works; worse, it can have many unplanned ramifications.
On the other hand, if students are led to believe that selling is optional, it becomes much easier for them to justify not participating. You don’t want that either.
Letting everyone know from the beginning that selling is a priority and is necessary for the group to function is an important point that needs to be made. Your students should understand that they will be expected to participate. This is the middle ground and is a far more effective approach.
3. Do Your Students Understand the “Why”?
Do your students appreciate the needs of the group? Helping your students understand the organization’s ultimate goals and objectives from day one will help provide them with intrinsic motivation. Then, when it comes time for the group to raise money, they can put the puzzle pieces together.
Why should they participate? It might help to put yourself in their shoes. Don’t assume that everyone already understands the group’s fundraising mission. This is important enough to be instilled and reinforced continually.
Learn how to make high school fundraising successful
4. Reward Fundraising Success
Always put your money where your mouth is. Perhaps most importantly, reward your students during and after your sale. For example, any student who sells five items by tomorrow is exempt from having to run the first two sprints at the end of practice.
We always recommend incorporating additional fundraiser incentives that will help motivate your students to sell. These activities can foster healthy competition, making raising money fun and rewarding. And reward your sellers after the sale is over for a job well done. Don’t forget to tell them upfront what they’ll receive for reaching their fundraising goals.
As the sponsor, you need to be willing to spend a little extra planning time and get creative. In most cases, your efforts will be rewarded.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.