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$2 Sweet & Savory Popcorn

$2 Sweet & Savory Popcorn Bags
White Cheddar Popcorn Bag White Cheddar Popcorn Windy City Mix Popcorn Bag Windy City Mix Popcorn Caramel Corn Popcorn Bag Caramel Corn Popcorn $2 Sweet & Savory Popcorn White Cheddar Popcorn Nutritional Facts White Cheddar Popcorn Ingredients Windy City Mix Popcorn Nutritional Facts Windy City Mix Popcorn Ingredients Caramel Corn Popcorn Nutritional Facts Caramel Corn Popcorn Ingredients
$2 Sweet & Savory Popcorn

Hand-crafted Sweet & Savory popcorn includes savory White Cheddar, Sweet Caramel, and Windy City Mix (caramel and cheese combo). Our popcorn has no high fructose corn syrup, is 100% gluten-free, and is kosher.

How it Works 5 Easy Steps

Nutrition facts are available upon request.

Case Pricing


For example, when ordering 1-9 cases:

Cost of 1 bag-$1.20

Selling price of 1 bag-$2

Profit earned/bag-80¢

Case Qty


Number of Cases (120 Items/Case)



Your Cost/Case



Amount You Collect/Case

Profit $


Your Profit/Case

Profit %


Your profit percentage of the total collected


Product Details

  • Selling Price: $2
  • Packaging: 120 bags per case (4 inner carriers of 30)
  • Participant Goal: One inner carrier (30 bags)
  • Carrier Flavors:
FlavorCountBag Size
White Cheddar101.5 oz.
Windy City Mix102.25 oz.
Caramel Corn103.25 oz.

Sell popcorn online or with a brochure.

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Calculate Your Profit

No High Fructose Corn Syrup
No High Fructose Corn Syrup
0g Trans Fat
0g Trans Fat
Non-GMO Corn
Non-GMO Corn
No Additives or Preservatives
No Additives or Preservatives

Fundraising Steps

1. Determine Order Size

Your group size determines how many cases you need.

Calculate Your Profit

2. Enter Order Info

Enter case quantity, click Add to Cart, and checkout.

Buy Now

3. Choose Payment Method

When ordering the product, you have 3 ways to pay.

Payment Options

4. Receive Order

Fundraising order ships within 1-2 business days. Free shipping

5. Sell Product

Sell your popcorn and keep the profits.

Collect Your Profits

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Questions about Sweet & Savory Popcorn?

How it Works

How do popcorn fundraisers work?

Your group profits when participants sell Sweet & Savory popcorn to their friends and family.

How do we pay?

Since the product is ordered upfront, you have the following payment options:

  • Purchase order: If you're a public school, you can order without paying up front. A purchase order is a legally binding document between your group and us. Payment is due within 15 days of receipt of the product, giving you time to collect enough money to pay your bill. You then keep the rest as profit.
  • Credit card: We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.
  • Direct Deposit: You must provide your bank routing and account numbers. We will send you a form via a secure encrypted email to complete, sign, and return. Contact us

Order Sweet & Savory popcorn at a discounted price and then sell it at full retail. The difference is your profit.

Do you offer pricing discounts?

Yes, we offer volume discounts. For more information, see our 'Case Pricing' table at the top of the page.

How long is the fundraiser?

We recommend giving your sellers one week to sell their popcorn allocation and turn in the money.

TIP: Use a tracking sheet to ensure timely and accurate money turn-in.

How much should I order?

The size of your order depends on the number of participants in your group and how many popcorn bags you want them to sell. Since Sweet & Savory popcorn comes with four inner carriers of 30 bags in each case, consider issuing one carrier to each seller.

To determine how many cases to order, divide the number of participants in your group by 4. Round up to the following case number if needed.

You can also use our 'Profit Calculator' at the top of the page.

Do you take back unsold products?

We do not accept returns. We aim to maintain the same high level of product freshness for every customer. The USDA also has stringent guidelines that we must adhere to.

TIP: Consider issuing unsold popcorn bags to participants who volunteer to sell them in exchange for a portion of the profit. This way, you will maximize your profits as much as possible.

Can participants earn prizes?

We don't offer any prize programs with our Sweet & Savory popcorn fundraiser.

Product Information

How much does popcorn sell for?

We suggest selling Sweet & Savory popcorn for $2 a bag.

How big is a popcorn bag?

White Cheddar popcorn comes in a 1.5-oz. bag, Windy City Mix popcorn comes in 2.25-oz. bags, and Caramel Corn popcorn comes in 3.25-oz. bags. There are 10 cases of each flavor in an inner carrier and four inner carriers inside each case, totaling 120 popcorn bags.

Why do popcorn bag weights differ by flavor?

The volume and number of kernels in every bag are relatively equal. The difference is in the weight of the coatings used for each popcorn flavor. For example, cheese or savory flavors weigh less than the sweet coating.

For example, cheese or savory flavors weigh less than the sweet coating on popcorn.

Can flavors be mixed in a case?

No. All flavors are preselected, and cases cannot be broken up.

How long does popcorn stay fresh?

Sweet & Savory popcorn has a shelf life of about 30 days. Popcorn should be stored in a cool, dry place to maintain freshness.

Is popcorn gluten-free?

Our popcorn is gluten-free, is made with no high fructose corn syrup, and is kosher.

Making Sales

Is there a minimum order?

There is a 1-case minimum order requirement.

How much money can we make?

Estimating your profit is easy. Consider the following example.

A sponsor with 50 participants wants everyone to sell 30 popcorn bags each:

  1. 50 participants x 30 bags / participant = 1,500 bags
  2. 1,500 bags ÷ 120 bags / case = 12.5 cases (Roundup)
  3. 13 cases x 120 bags / case = 1,560 bags
  4. 1,560 bags x $2.00 / bag = $3,120.00 retail
  5. $3,120.00 x 45% profit = $1,404.00 profit

The profit percentage would be 45% because you must order 13 cases. See the 'Case Pricing' table at the top of this page. (Volume discounts apply)

QUICK TIP: Scroll up, click the 'Calculate Your Profit' button, and enter your group size and participant goal.


How soon do we receive our popcorn order?

Popcorn orders ship within 1-2 business days of receipt of the order. We have two warehouse locations: Dallas, TX, and Akron, OH. Ship time varies based on destination, but we can deliver to most addresses within 1-3 business days.

Where do orders ship to?

Sweet & Savory popcorn ships to all the lower 48 states.

How is our order packed?

Orders ship by the case.

Is there a shipping fee?

All orders ship for free. You also receive free shipping on any reorders.


$2 Sweet & Savory Popcorn Bags
$2 Sweet & Savory Popcorn

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