How to plan fewer but better fundraising campaigns.
If you're a parent, you can probably relate to feeling bombarded by so many fundraisers. Your children are busy selling, and you must contend with the neighborhood children. Perhaps you feel obligated to support other students because their parents also support yours. It seems like it never ends. There are so many groups that need to have multiple sales to raise the money they need.
Perhaps if we get more groups to do fewer fundraisers but still meet their financial goals, everyone will be happier. Here are three ways schools can minimize the sales they must do.
1. Choose Better Fundraising Programs
Be selective when it comes to choosing a program. Resist the urge to choose campaigns that promise a high profit. These types of programs usually end up yielding lower-than-average sales results. Many school fundraising companies are vying for your business, so resist being impulsive by selecting the first one that sounds enticing. Ask your parents what they think will work. It may be a good idea to vary the types of sales that you do. Do your homework by researching the various opportunities that are out there. Contrary to what some companies may tell you, every program has pros and cons, so make sure you know which one will be best for your group.
2. Allow More Time between Campaigns
Believe it or not, your students will work harder if they know they won't need to sell as often. It works even better if they know when your sales will take place. Sponsors who are organized enough to plan their sales campaigns will schedule a meeting with their group to let them know when they will be selling. This way, it becomes more of a mutual agreement between the group and the parents instead of a last-minute plea. Last-minute sales don't project a good image and appear unprofessional. Once you've rolled out your plan, stick with it, regardless. This helps build mutual trust. At the same time, inform your group that if sales goals are not met, the group will need to get by with less.
3. Improve the Quality of Each Fundraiser
You will bring in more sales if you improve the quality of your sales programs. Fewer campaigns mean you will probably have more willing participants, but you will still need to plan to be successful.
There is more to selling than making sure that everyone has their supplies. To ensure success, you will need to:
- Create sales momentum by having a kickoff meeting.
- Maintain the momentum that you create by tracking your sale.
- Finish strong. Realize that you have only committed to a certain amount of time to sell, so make the most of each remaining day.
The ultimate goal is to make more money with fewer fundraisers. The more successful groups have already figured this out.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.