The ultimate guide to successfully selling discount cards.
Discount cards already offer several advantages over many other fundraising programs. Among other things, groups can sell them year after year because people will want to renew their cards after they expire. Their deliveries are hassle-free since they come in small boxes and don't break. They provide added value because they can save users significant money over time.
And they help to support local businesses by providing free advertising and increased foot traffic. So how can groups work to maximize their discount card fundraiser?
Here are some ideas that you'll want to utilize.
Set Your Fundraising Goal
Before placing your discount card order, you'll need to determine how many cards each student can sell. You can divide the money you need by the number of sellers. Then divide that number by $5, your profit per card. An excellent round number might be for each student to sell 5 or 10 cards. It's probably better to error on the side of caution when placing your initial order. You can always order more if necessary. Make sure to communicate and reinforce your student sales goal throughout your fundraiser.
Set a Card Fundraiser Time Limit
Don't just hand out your cards and tell your students to return the money when done. Instead, create a sense of urgency by telling them they only have a limited time to sell the cards and bring back the money. Some groups give sellers between one and two weeks, while others, like football teams, have 'blitzes'. They only have a weekend to bring back their money.
Have a Discount Card Kickoff Meeting
Plan to have a kickoff meeting where you'll discuss your expectations and goals. Each student must know how many cards they must sell and when the money will be turned in. Tell them you'll be checking on their progress. Before issuing your cards, have your students add their name and number of cards to a discount card sales tracking sheet.
Discuss How to Sell Discount Cards
Unlike a brochure fundraiser, where someone opens a catalog and orders an item, discount cards may require more effort. Most people are probably familiar with discount cards already, so your sellers must tell people why they should buy them. Here are some essential things you'll want to discuss at your kickoff:
- The first thing sellers need to do when approaching a potential buyer is smile, look them in the eye and introduce themselves. Tell them their group name and why they're selling the cards.
- Your students should then hand the potential buyer a card and ask which 2 or 3 businesses they would frequent the most. Inform them that the card will pay for itself after the first couple of uses, and after that, they'll save money for up to a full year.
- Make sure your students are familiar with the business offers on the card. You'll need to convince them that what's being offered is worthwhile, so they'll sell it to their friends, family, and neighbors.
- Discuss the selling process during your kickoff. Some groups even role-play so sellers can practice before they start.
- Having your sellers create a prospecting list of potential customers is also a good idea.
- Whether people buy or not, ensure your sellers are always professional and thank them for their time.
How to Deal with Unsold Discount Cards
Most school fundraising companies don't take back unsold discount cards, so ensure you have an effective plan. Some sellers will sell more than the goal, while others may fall short. Make sure students bring back cards that they were unable to sell. Some groups offer sellers who volunteer to resell cards $1.00 out of the profit for each sold card.
Discount card sales can be an effective way for groups to raise money. By following these simple steps, selling them can be easy as well.
See our discount card fundraiser.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.