Can you make your students fundraise?
No one should be required to do an activity, right? Anything that's forced upon us may feel unwanted and intrusive. We often tell schools that we allow everyone to fundraise, and it's "ok" if they don't. We want them to feel we're somehow being noble. We're giving everyone an equal chance because we're a team player.
Sponsors often know in advance who they think will sell and who won't. They may tell us only to provide supplies for a certain percentage of their students. But we always tell them no. High school fundraising is a 'numbers game'.
So all hands on deck. The more students that get the sales information, the better. Everyone needs to have the opportunity to sell. Going in, we understand that some money will be wasted on supplies. But what if these students end up selling after all? Perhaps we can convince them to get off the fence.
But should fundraising be optional? Most people understand the 80/20 rule. This is where 20% of the students will do 80% of the work. Is this fair? Of course, most would say no. But it's a fact of life with almost everything.
We get it. Students shouldn't be forced to make sales. Many parents have strong feelings about why our tax dollars aren't paying for much of this stuff. Some feel that students are being exploited for money.
But let's get over it. The fact remains that schools and groups are strapped for cash. Do they have a choice? Of course not. Most groups can't function without extra funding. Most parents want their students to gain a full and enriching experience. Activities don't happen without money.
Sponsor Objectives
Sponsors often help determine whether their students end up participating or not.
Even though money is needed for the group to function, they certainly can't make members sell. Some are grateful for whatever comes in. Fundraising is strictly optional, so "do whatever you can" is the battle cry. This type of sponsor will sometimes make it clear. We'll cut out certain events if we don't have the money.
They're putting all the responsibility for how the group functions on the students. The problem is that if given the option, many don't sell. Why should they? That is unless they buy into the group's mission.
Other sponsors require their students to raise money to join the group. They make it crystal clear from the start. Membership requires that every student support their financial goals. Selling is one of several commitments students must make. If they want to be a part, then they have to contribute.
Sometimes things get political. Some students may feel obligated to sell for ulterior motives. It may come in the form of increased privileges and unique group benefits—for example, more playing time on a team.
Selling the need is yet another approach. Focusing on the fundraising need and the benefits of having the money is essential. What's in it for the students? Many will jump on board, but some may not without employing other strategies.
Type of High School Fundraising Group
A band attempting to pay for a trip to Florida can say each student needs to raise the "x" amount by the "y" date. But most sponsors will also allow students to have their parents write a check. Yet some families can't afford this, so fundraising becomes the only option.
But a group that meets once a week voluntarily is entirely different. They may have an occasional special event and don't have much financial obligation.
Many recreational leagues need payment upfront for things like uniforms and equipment. Their registration packet may include purchasing a product.
This is often done with discount cards. The parent pays upfront for a set number of cards and other fees. If they choose to sell the cards, they can pay themselves back.
Company Order Minimums
This is especially important with smaller groups. Many companies require a certain number of items to be ordered to receive free shipping. Since money is hard to come by, sponsors may decide if it makes sense to work with the company.
For example, say a group has 20 members, and they're interested in a cookie dough fundraiser. Shipping frozen food is expensive. So the group must hit a certain number to avoid any shipping costs.
Sponsors may require a certain number of sales per member to keep as much profit as possible.
Let Students Decide on Fundraising
Why not let your students take ownership of their group? Some sponsors leave it up to their students to decide whether to participate. They feel that, ultimately, the students must make their own choices. Thus participation is based on a commitment to the group's fundraiser goals.
They encourage sales by explaining how the money will benefit their members directly. Or they may offer incentives for selling. The ability to fundraise is primarily based on group unification and seller motivation.
A few sponsors will even have the students choose the type of fundraiser. This way, there is more obligation to get involved.
Parents Writing Donation Checks Instead
Some parents can afford to write a check and not have their students sell. Should it matter that these students don't take part? Does it say anything about their commitment level? An argument can probably be made either way. But many parents have the luxury to pay, and their children are deeply dedicated.
So, should high school fundraising be a choice or a need? Some may wonder which approach best helps the group reach its financial objectives. Ultimately, it usually depends on what the sponsor feels comfortable with. And, of course, what they feel will work best for their group.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.