Tips on how to raise more money without spending it.
Most people understand that sacrifice is necessary to get something in return. For example, you must practice to get better at a particular sport.
To do well in school, you must be disciplined at studying, and to make more money, you must first invest what you have. Your hard work should pay off if you create a good plan upfront and then execute it.
Fundraisers are no different. You'll have the edge if you're smart and know how to take advantage of the many opportunities others may not see.
Here's how you can generate free fundraising money.
Get a Good Return on your Prizes
Successful sponsors are willing to spend money on top-seller prizes, grand prize drawings, or even a limo ride. They understand that their return will be greater than the money they initially spend because they understand what motivates their students and how these investments work.
Promote Your Fundraiser Daily
These investments can generate even more money if sponsors properly promote them during their sales. Reminding students to sell during the sale through announcements and incorporating periodic prize drawings will help bring in additional dollars. Schools that incorporate an effective and ongoing promotional strategy will bring in more sales than those that don't.
Offer No-Cost Incentives
It's possible to offer no-cost incentives to motivate your students to sell more without spending money. You can do creative things as long as you are willing to invest your time.
Have an Effective Fundraising Kickoff
Schools that take the time to prepare to have an effective kickoff are establishing a strong foundation for a strong sale. They realize that their kickoff is where they must sell their cause to the students and establish needed sales momentum.
If you invest money into your campaign, ensure you've done your homework to ensure a good return. If you instead plan to look for ways to increase sales without spending extra money, you'll still need to invest your time. Investing your time can be priceless.
For an additional resource on planning ideas for your next campaign, download our free fundraising tips eBook from our school fundraising tips page.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.