3 Ways to Add Credibility to Fundraiser Kickoffs

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

Kickoff fundraiser success tips.

Fundraiser kickoffs are schools' most important opportunity to motivate their students to make sales. If your students are interested in what takes place at your kickoff, they're more likely to go home and persuade their parents to help them sell.

The more student enthusiasm you generate from the beginning, the more successful your sale will be. Most parents selling will do so because their children persuaded them.

Here are three ways to add credibility to your kickoff meeting, which will lead to more students bringing in sales:

1. Create a Professional Kickoff Atmosphere

Have students listen to music as they walk into the kickoff area. This will help set an exciting tone for the assembly. The school fundraising kickoff is about creating an inspiring atmosphere. It should be viewed as a well-planned performance to convince your audience that your fundraiser is important and that they want to get involved.

A good sound system puts out good-quality sound throughout the room. If you want your students to get excited, make sure everyone can hear the music. There's nothing worse than listening to a cheap-sounding stereo. You'd be better off not having any music at all. Therefore, take the time to hook up a good sound system with speakers everyone can hear. Remember that the students will also get loud, so keep the music volume above the noise. However, determine a volume that will be appropriate for everyone involved.

Arrange ahead for someone to gradually fade the volume once you're ready to start the presentation. Don't just turn off the music all at once. This sounds unprofessional. Likewise, once the presentation is over, have the person slowly turn up the volume so the music is loud again as the students walk out. In other words, the music should help motivate the students and let them know when to listen to the speaker.

Also, if you are showing a kickoff video, show it on a big screen instead of a TV set. This may also require a laptop that can hook into your sound system.

2. Test Your Presentation Equipment Beforehand

When someone films a commercial, they don't just shoot it live and expect everything to go perfectly. Some several takes and edits happen before the end viewer sees the finished product. Unfortunately, you won't have the luxury of retakes with your kickoff, so you must do it right the first time.

If you are showing a video, run it through at least once. Test your music and microphone to make sure they're working properly. This may take a little time, so don't wait until the last minute to prepare. You can eliminate many embarrassing mishaps by ensuring your equipment works properly before your students arrive. Remember, you're putting on a show for your students, so do your best to ensure it goes off without a hitch. As the saying goes, you only have one shot at making a good first impression.

3. Get the Principal Involved with your Fundraiser

Don't make the mistake that many schools make. The person in charge of the fundraiser often starts talking to the students. If you'll be the keynote speaker at your kickoff, take the time to find someone to introduce you. This is where the principal comes in. If they care as much as you do about your school raising money, they should be willing to help.

By having your principal introduce you, you are conveying to your students that your sale is important. Students usually respect what they say, and if they are stressing the importance of involvement, your students will be more apt to take it seriously. This should help set a powerful tone for the start of your sale.

How would you add credibility to a school kickoff presentation?

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.