Summer is the perfect time for a snack fundraiser.
Summertime Snacking
Summer is the time for snacks. With everyone on the go – from graduations to campouts and summer vacations – summer truly is the time for memory-making and adventure.
We can quickly lose track of our routines in the fun of hosting family BBQs and eating ice cream for lunch. Good thing we can balance summertime fun with healthy eating habits.
The U.S. Snack Index found that indulging in favorite snacks can help people feel happier and bring back comfort and a sense of normalcy.
Nutritionists recommend keeping a snack on hand to bridge the gap in our daily schedules. Fundraiser snacks do pretty well this time of year by meeting the demand for convenience, heat resistance, and packability.
This week we rounded up some interesting tidbits about summertime snacking. Whether it be busting some summer food myths (i.e., not swimming after eating) or the potential benefits of snacking this summer, we think these morsels will inspire and encourage your next snack.
Tasty Snack Snippets
- According to the U.S. Snack Index's 2020 market trends, 83% said their favorite summer snacks remind them of good times. Nearly half (48%) said eating their favorite snack makes them feel happy.
- America's favorite summer snacks vary by region. Eat This, Not That has listed the best summer food in every state. Hint: Find what state puts popcorn first!
- Every Day Health found that "Healthy snacking improves overall health, curbs cravings, fights weight gain, regulates mood, boosts brain power, and gives you the energy you need to keep going all day".
- Despite more and more flavor varieties, people tend to stick with snacking classics. According to Frito-Lay's 2021 summer snack index, most respondents (89%) want tried and true classics.
Choose KIND Bar Top Fundraising Snacks
With the freedom of summertime tugging at our 'grab n' go' spontaneity and adventurous spirits, consider adopting one of Big Fundraising Ideas' top snack fundraisers. In June, Big Fundraising Ideas excitedly announced the addition of KIND bars to our fundraising snack options.
Did you know foods that meet national nutritional standards are called 'Smart Snacks'? The USDA's guidelines target snacks that are rich in whole grains; contain at least 1/4 cup of fruit and vegetables; have a fruit, vegetable, protein food, or dairy product as the first ingredient; or contain 10% or more of the percent daily value of potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin D, or calcium.
In addition, KIND bars do not contain genetically engineered ingredients, are gluten-free, low in sodium, have 0 grams trans-fat, and stay fresh for at least four months – enough to get you through that road trip!
Whether in the car, at an event, camping with the family, hiking, or just enjoying the great outdoors, Big Fundraising Ideas has the right fundraiser snack option all year round for your group. Choose from popcorn, beef sticks, pretzels, and more on our website.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.