Simple ways to boost your sports team sale using sportswear.
Many high school students have grown skeptical of the average prize program. The prizes are cheap, and they’re designed for younger audiences. Older sellers also feel that reaching the more appealing prize levels is unrealistic.
As a result, students pay little to no attention to them. These prize programs don’t motivate older students to sell. Is there a better solution? Several organizations have found success with alternative types of motivators, and athletic groups are one of them.
Here are three reasons why sports fundraisers use sportswear incentives to motivate teams to reach and even exceed their goals:
1. Sportswear Fundraiser Incentives Adds Value
Student-athletes are receiving something of value that is directly related to their team. For example, they consider a team sweatshirt more valuable than winning a meaningless prize.
See our sportswear prize programs
2. Team Embroidered Sportswear Enhances Unity
A wise coach will see a sportswear prize program as an opportunity to use it to promote team unity. For instance, a common seller goal can be set for everyone. For example, the coach will ask each player to sell a certain number of items to win the polo shirt. They may decide to have each team member wear it whenever they travel. Therefore, everyone on the team will be obligated to sell enough items to win the polo shirt. The option is to be the only teammate without it. Knowing that other teammates will be wearing it motivates everyone to work harder.
3. The Quality of Sportswear Justifies Higher Goals
Generally, students must sell more to reach the more meaningful sportswear prize levels. The coach can set a higher fundraising goal by knowing how many items it will take to reach the polo shirt level. Sportswear offers higher intrinsic and extrinsic value to the students. Students are more apt to work harder for something team-related because the team is a part of their athletic identity.
All coaches who need to do sports fundraisers should consider using sportswear incentives.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.