Why setting fundraising goals is vital for your success.
Setting a fundraising goal is a critical step in planning a school fundraiser. Goal setting takes serious thought and consideration and must consider several factors. Schools set goals for many reasons, and we share a few of the more common reasons to set fundraising goals below.
While there are many goal-setting methods, we have chosen to share our favorite- SMART goal setting. Use this information to set a fundraising goal that will lead to success.
Why Schools Set Fundraising Goals
School fundraiser goals achieve several things. Five significant reasons schools set fundraising goals include:
- Provide direction: A financial or other goal provides direction in the school's campaign by giving participants something to work toward.
- Help Budget: Financial goals help schools write their annual or project budget.
- Incentivize Participants: You can use fundraising goals to incentivize participants by providing rewards for goals met.
- End Date: A fundraising goal indicates a definite end point for the fundraiser.
- Evaluate: By setting a goal or expectation at the beginning of a fundraiser, schools set a standard to evaluate against after the campaign.
How to Set a School Fundraising Goal
We've learned that setting a school fundraising goal is essential, but how do we do it? To start, schools must consider the need. What is trying to be acquired? Your purpose will often provide you with concrete goals.
consider your available resources, capabilities, and fallbacks. For example, if you have very few participants, your goal should reflect this limitation. On the other hand, if you have a volunteer who is excellent at marketing, you may set a more challenging goal.
SMART Goal Setting
With the need and abilities in mind, your school can create a solid goal for your next fundraiser. When setting this goal, we recommend using the SMART goal-setting method. Consider the following five factors when determining your campaign goals.
Specific goals aid in effective planning. Do your best to write your goal in quantifiable terms. For example, instead of stating the goal is to buy new books, write your goal as 'to buy 35 new volume 4 science books'
It is best to stick to measurable, tangible goals such as $15,000 or 10 new volunteers recruited.
Achievable goals are realistic yet challenging, giving participants something to reach for that they know they can attain. Consider your capabilities carefully for this step.
Write goals relevant to your organization and your cause. Goals should align with the school's mission and values and direct all actions towards solving the need.
Goals should have a timeline, meaning fundraisers have a clear endpoint.
School Fundraising Goal FAQs
People frequently ask the following questions about fundraiser goal setting.
When Should Schools Set a Fundraising Goal?
You should set fundraising goals before the fundraiser starts. We recommend beginning your planning process 3-6 months before the fundraiser starts. Once you identify the need and fundraising method, it is time to set the fundraising goal.
Who Decides the School Fundraising Goal?
The goal should be a group consensus made by the fundraising committee. These individuals will plan and execute the fundraiser and have the most insight and authority over the potential outcomes.
What Is an Example of a Fundraising Goal?
'Boyd Elementary will raise $5,000 by January 1st, 2024, to subsidize 50% of all students' costs in arranging a field trip to the Contemporary Museum of Art this May for the graduating senior class.'
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He's helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.